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Showing posts with the label Geopolitics

David vs Goliath

Regarding the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), it is an international treaty that establishes the legal framework for maritime boundaries and activities. The arbitral tribunal ruling in 2016, which favored the Philippines and invalidated China's claims in the South China Sea, is legally binding under international law. However, China has rejected the ruling and continues to assert its claims based on historical rights. It is crucial for countries involved in the South China Sea disputes to engage in peaceful dialogue, adhere to international law, and work towards a peaceful resolution. Escalating tensions through provocative actions, such as military confrontations, can lead to unintended consequences and destabilize the region. Diplomatic efforts, multilateral negotiations, and international cooperation are essential in managing and resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea. It is important for all parties involved to prioritize dialogue,