The National Virtual Training Center in Silang, Cavite opens its doors to Philippine government agencies, academia, and industry partners for advanced training in detecting and responding to biological and chemical security threats. Manila ,—The Philippines and the United States governments recently inaugurated the National Virtual Training Center (NVTC) in Silang, Cavite that will improve and expand the training of public health personnel, veterinarian health workers, and first responders in addressing biological and chemical threats. Designed, constructed, and equipped through funding from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and Chemical Security Elimination (CSE) Program, the NVTC is a multi-million dollar advanced training and practical laboratory facility that will increase the quantity and quality of training programs that cover multiple disciplines of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear security. Through...
Online edition of The Ilocos Times, a community newspaper based in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.