She's a woman of grace and class Who possesses charm and wit Her love and dedication immense Her sacrifices boundless She went through leaps and bounds Undeterred by countless snags She was selfless but unyielding Their offspring her most valued jewels Each ones’ well-being and happiness Ahead of her own Her concerns, always her pickneys As she clashed her own demons Her nestlings’ welfare came first Loved, nourished and comforted Brought sunshine and easement in their growing pains Shared them much passions and wisdoms Prepared the innocents to stand the tests of times Stuck till all her eaglets were weaned Once they were silly, awkward, goofy but adorable Now all grown building nests of their own Her four eagles finally soaring high, with inspiring awe Enjoying with their fledglings’ zoo She's a proud but grounded Mama Eagle A nurturing Grandmama too! Cynthia Fonacier Capunitan California, USA
Online edition of The Ilocos Times, a community newspaper based in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.