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2020 Laoag City Traffic Code


Republic of the Philippines

Province of Ilocos Norte







1.       Hon. Vicentito M. Lazo                                                City Vice-Mayor/Presiding Officer

  1. Hon. Juan Conrado A. Respicio II                                             S.P. Member

3.       Hon. Roger John C. Fariñas II                                                   S.P. Member

4.       Hon. Handy T. Lao                                                                   S.P. Member

  1. Hon. Justine Clarence G. Chua                                                  S.P. Member
  2. Hon. Edison U. Chua                                                                S.P. Member
  3. Hon. Derick B. Lao                                                                  S.P. Member
  4. Hon. Jason Bader Ll. Perera                                                      S.P. Member
  5. Hon. Roque Benjamin C. Ablan                                                S.P. Member
  6. Hon. Jaybee G. Baquiran                                                          S.P. Member
  7. Hon. Edison H. Bonoan                                                            S.P. Member

12.   Hon. Mikee V. Fariñas                                                              (ABC President, Ex-officio)

13.   Hon. Anzhelyka Faye T. Lao                                                     (SK President, Ex-officio)






BE IT ENACTED by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Laoag, that:



SECTION 1.Short Title. This ordinance shall be known as the “The Laoag City Traffic and Order Code of 2020”.

SECTION 2. – Scope. - The provisions of this ordinance shall control, as far as they apply, the operation of motor vehicles – private or public, animal drawn vehicles and bicycles – including electric bikes, and the conduct of pedestrians.


SECTION 3. Words, signs and phrases as used in this ordinance are defined or shall be interpreted, as follows:

                                                “S”- Stop                                              “X”- No Entry



  No Left Turn  -                                       No Right Turn


   No U-Turn


“L-U”- Loading and Unloading Zone


“T-X (W-S)” - Tricycle, No Entry on Market Days


“0” -Garbage Receptacle 


                                                                                     -          Pedestrian Lane


D-P - Diagonal Parking Only


Two-Way Street


                                                       -  One-Way Street


L-V     - Light Vehicles Only

“STOP STREET” – a street on which a vehicle must stop just before entering a through street;

“THROUGH STREET” - a street on which the through movement of traffic is given preference;

“MARKET DAYS” – shall be understood to refer to regular market days at the Laoag City Public Market and Commercial Complex (LCPMCC), which fall on every Wednesday and Sunday of the week;

“ORDINARY DAYS” – shall refer to all other market days at the LCPMCC, which fall on every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week;

“LIGHT VEHICLES” - shall mean all motor vehicles with a length of not more than 20 feet;

“CALESA”- shall mean a horse drawn vehicle operated by a lone driver or capable of conveying passengers;

“ELECTRIC BICYCLE” – shall mean an e-bike with an integrated electric motor which can be used to assist propulsion.

“BICYCLE” – shall mean a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.

“TRICYCLE” – shall mean a motor vehicle composed of a motorcycle fitted with a single-wheel side car or a motorcycle with a two-wheel cab, which includes electric tricycle or e-trike, operated to render transport services to the public.

“PEDICAB” - a human powered tricycle with a 2-seat passenger compartment and a separate seat for a driver who pedals.

“PARKING” – shall refer to the position of any vehicle when placed in idle immobile state for a period of time longer than the ordinary period of loading and unloading;

“LOADING AND UNLOADING”- shall refer to the act of taking in or discharging passenger or cargoes by any vehicle;

“LOADING AND UNLOADING SPACES” – shall refer to those portions on the shoulder of streets or roads or portions thereof within the City Laoag which are indicated by means of drawn lines;

“PARKING SPACES” – shall refer to the shoulder of the streets or roads or portion thereof wherein parking is allowed in this ordinance and indicated by means of diagonal lines;

“JAY WALKING” – shall refer to the set of crossing street without using the pedestrian lane provided for on street;

“DRIVER” – shall mean every any licensed operator of a motor vehicle.

“COCHERO” – shall mean every and any licensed operator of a calesa.

“ROAD MARKING” – shall mean any traffic control device marked on the surface of the road or carriageway used to regulate traffic or to warn or guide road users. They are used either alone or in conjunction with other signs or signals to emphasize or clarify their meaning. Median islands are not defined as road markings.

“ROAD” – shall mean the entire surface of any street open to traffic.

“HIGHWAY” – shall mean any public thoroughfare, public boulevard, avenue, park alley, and callejon, but not include road- way upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities or other similar institutions.

“CARRIAGEWAY – shall mean the part of the road normally used by vehicular traffic.

“LANE” – shall mean one of the longitudinal strips from which the carriageway can be divided, whether or not defined by longitudinal road markings.

“INTERSECTION” – shall mean any level crossroad junction or fork, including open areas formed by such crossroad or fork.

“STANDING” – shall mean vehicle which is stationary for the time needed to pick up or set down persons or to load or unload goods.

“PARKED” – shall mean a vehicle which is stationary for the period during which the vehicle is not limited to the time needed to pick up or set down persons or goods.

SECTION 4 – The route of traffic along the streets/roads within the City of Laoag,

and for the vehicles hereinafter indicated shall be as follows:

4.1. J. P. Rizal Street is hereby designated as a two-way Street and No Parking shall be allowed on either side. No Left Turn shall be allowed on the following portions of J. P. Rizal Street, to wit:

a.)     All vehicles moving towards the West, travelling along J. P. Rizal Street, shall not be allowed to make a left turn starting from the intersection of Maria Dizon Street (Vintar road) until the intersection of Paco Roman Street.

b.)    All vehicles moving towards the East, travelling along J. P. Rizal Street shall not be allowed to make a left turn on the intersection of Paco Roman Street and on all intersections starting from the intersection of Governor Ligot Street until the intersection of Biak na Bato Street. Vehicles on J. P. Rizal Street are allowed to make a left turn going to Gen. Segundo Avenue. 

4.2. The following named Streets are hereby designated as ONE WAY WEST BOUND, to wit:

a.       Gen. Antonio Luna Street from Maria Dizon Street to Severino Hernando Avenue (formerly Panganiban)

b. Juan Luna Street from Maria Dizon Street to Trece Martirez Street (East of Gilbert Bridge)

4.3. The following named streets are hereby designated as ONE WAY EAST BOUND, to wit:

a.       Mabini Street from Don Celestino Peralta Street to Severino Hernando Avenue (formerly Panganiban Street)

b.       M. H. Del Pilar Street from Gen. Segundo Ave. (Bacarra road) to Maria Dizon Street (Vintar road)

c.       F. R. Castro Avenue from Trece Martirez Street (West of Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag) to Maria Dizon Street (Vintar Road)

d.       F. R. Castro Avenue from Ablan Avenue to Balintawak Street

4.4. The following named streets are hereby designated as ONE WAY NORTH BOUND, to wit:

a.       Maria Dizon Street (Vintar Road): From Juan Luna Street (Ermita Side) to J. P. Rizal Street

b.       Mandac Street: From Juan Luna Street to J. P. Rizal Street

c.       Lampitoc Street: From Juan Luna Street to M.H. Del Pilar Street

d.       F. Guerrero Street: From Juan Luna Street to M.H. Del Pilar Street

e.       Don Eleuterio Ruiz Street: From Juan Luna Street to Domingo Samonte Street

f.        Blas Cid Street: From J. P. Rizal Street to M. H. Del Pilar Street

g.       Abadilla Street: From F. R. Castro Avenue to Gen. Antonio Luna Street

h.       Andres Castro Street: From J. P. Rizal Street to Domingo Samonte Street

i.        Nolasco Street: From F. R. Castro Avenue to Gen. Antonio Luna Street

j.        Siazon Road: From J. P. Rizal Street to P. Gomez Street

k.       Ligot Street: From J. P. Rizal Street to Mabini Street

l.        Paco Roman Street: From Gen. Antonio Luna Street to Domingo Samonte Street

m.     Julio Agcaoili Street (formerly McKinley Street): From Gen. Antonio Luna Street to Domingo Samonte Street

n.       Trece Martirez Street (East of Gilbert Bridge): From Juan Luna Street to F. R. Castro Avenue

o.       Balintawak Street: From F. R. Castro Avenue to Primo Lazaro Street

p.       Panganiban Street: From Gen. Antonio Luna Street to P. Gomez Street

q.       Gen. Giron Street (east of Shamrock Elementary School): From Gomburza Street to Apolinario Castro Avenue

r.        Zacarias Flores Street: From Gomburza Street to P. Gomez Street

s.        Hernando Street (west of Ilocos Norte National High School): From P. Gomez Street to Apolonio Castro Avenue


4.5. The following named streets are hereby designated as ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND

a.       Don Celestino Peralta Street: From P. Gomez Street to Mabini Street

b.       A. Samonte Street: From P. Gomez Street to Gomburza Street

c.       Ablan Ave.: From J. P. Rizal Street to A. G. Tupaz Street

d.       Soriano Street: From Domingo Samonte Street to Gen. Antonio Luna Street

e.       Farinas Street: From P. Gomez Street to A. G. Tupaz Street

f.        Llanes Street: From P. Gomez Street to F. R. Castro Avenue

g.       Lagasca Street: From P. Gomez Street to Gen. Antonio Luna Street

h.       Paco Roman Street: From Gen. Antonio Luna Street to F. R. Castro Avenue

i.        Fonacier Street: From 1913 Street to J. P. Rizal Street

j.        Villanueva Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to F. R. Castro Avenue

k.       Abadilla Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to Gen. Antonio Luna Street

l.        Abadilla Street: From F. R. Castro Avenue to Juan Luna Street

m.     Damaso Samonte Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to Juan Luna Street

n.       Basa Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to Juan Luna Street

o.       F. Guerrero Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to Juan Luna Street

p.       Biak na Bato Street: From M. H. Del Pilar Street to Juan Luna Street


4.6. During the following PEAK HOURS – from 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M., there shall be NO LEFT TURN at the Nangalisan/Airport Road Junction (foot of Gilbert Bridge), to wit:

a. All vehicles coming from the South, travelling along MacArthur Highway shall not be allowed to make a LEFT TURN to Airport Avenue;

b. All vehicles coming from the West, travelling along Airport Avenue shall not be allowed to make a LEFT TURN to Gilbert Bridge except Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJs) who are authorized on such route;

c. All slow moving vehicles (Tricycles, Bicycles, Electric Bikes, Calesas, Motorcycles) shall ply at the outer most lane on the following roads;

c.1. From Nangalisan/Airport Road Junction up to the boundary of Laoag City and San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte;

                        c.2. From Nangalisan/Airport Road Junction up to the Laoag International Airport (LIA);

                        c.3. From the Ilocano Migrant Workers Monument (Northwestern University Rotonda) up to the boundary of Laoag City and Paoay, Ilocos Norte;

c.4.From the Ilocano Migrant Workers Monument (Northwestern University Rotonda) up to the boundary of Laoag City and Bacarra, Ilocos Norte (by-pass road);

c.5.From Apolonio Castro Avenue (Divine Word College of Laoag) up to the boundary of Laoag City and Bacarra, Ilocos Norte;

c.6 From the Triangle Junction (intersection of F. R. Castro Avenue, J. P. Rizal Street and Gen. Luna Street) up to the boundary of Laoag City and Sarrat, Ilocos Norte

4.7. NO LEFT TURN from Gen. Segundo Avenue to Rizal Street. All vehicles coming from the North, travelling along Gen. Segundo Avenue shall not be allowed to make a LEFT TURN to J. P. Rizal Street;

4.8. Along ONE WAY STREETS, except J. P. Rizal Street and F. R. Castro Avenue, PARKING shall be allowed ON ONLY ONE SIDE of said streets reckoned from the point of view of the driver which shall be the DRIVER’S RIGHT SIDE, but in the case of Damaso Samonte Street parking shall be allowed at the DRIVER’S LEFT SIDE.

4.9. NO PARKING shall be allowed on either side of the shoulder along National roads.

4.10. During the following PEAK HOURS – from 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.; 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. and 4:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., tricycles shall not be allowed on certain portions of the following streets;

a.       Apolonio Castro Avenue: From Gen. Segundo Avenue to Herbosa Street;

b.       Primo Lazaro Street: From Gen. Segundo Avenue to Paco Roman Street

4.11. During the following PEAK HOURS  From 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.; 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. and 4:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., No Parking shall be allowed on either side of certain portions of the following streets:

a.       Apolonio Castro Avenue: From Gen. Segundo Avenue to Giron Street;

b.       P. Gomez Street: From Gen. Segundo Avenue up to Ernesto Tamayo Street (Pila road).

4.12. There shall be a TRUCK BAN from 6:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. along certain portions of the following streets:

a.       J.P. Rizal Street: From Maria Dizon Street (Vintar Road) to Trece Martirez Street (west of Gilbert Bridge);

b.       Gen. Segundo Avenue: From J. P. Rizal Street to Apolonio Castro Avenue.



a)       For Buses and Jeepneys – in their own respective terminals as reflected in the business and licenses division of the Laoag City Government, provided that no bus and/or jeepney terminal shall be allowed within the premises of a gasoline station;

b)      For Tricycles - Tricycle for Hire shall have their terminals in the following locations, provided that they should not double park and provided further that the number of tricycles waiting / lining up in such terminal should not exceed ten (10) starting from a distance of six (6) meters from the corner, to wit:

Tricycle terminalS



1.          CABSAT

Domingo Samonte Street Corner Gen. Segundo Avenue (Southern / Western sides)

2.          SM TODAL

Villanueva corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Northern sides)

3.          CIT TODA

In front of Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trade (INCAT) [Northern side of P Gomez Street]

4.          PRIDE OF THE NORTH

In front of the Divine Word College of Laoag (DWCL) [Eastern side of Gen. Segundo Avenue]

5.          WESTERN TODA

Severino Hernando Street (formerly Panganiban) corner F. R. Castro Avenue (Eastern and Western sides / Northern side]

6.          NIGHT RIDERS (Night time)

Balintawak corner J.P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)

7.          GSIS TODA

In front of the Government Service Insrance System (GSIS), Brgy. 23, Laoag City (Vintar Road)

8.          JTC TODA

F. Guerrero corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)

9.          PHOENIX TODA

Gen. Segundo  corner Apolonio Castro Avenue (Western / Northern Sides)


Gen. Antonio Luna corner Severino Hernando Streets (formerly Panganiban) (Within Laoag-Badoc Bus Terminal)

11.       SCA TODA

In front of OUR SAVIOUR’S SCHOOL (Domingo Samonte Street Southern side)

12.       LABAN TODA

Brgy. 8, Primo Lazaro corner Soriano Streets (Southern / Eastern sides)

13.       DCCP

  1. G. Tupaz corner M. Farinas Streets (Southern / Western sides – fronting Data Center of the Philippines, Brgy. 8)

14.       JCP TODA

M. Nolasco corner F. R. Castro Avenue (Eastern / Southern sides)

15.       CTE TODA

Apolonio Castro Avenue (Northern side) – in front of the Mariano Marcos State University, College of Teachers Education (MMSU-CTE)

16.       INCAT TODA

In front of Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trade (INCAT) [Northern side of P Gomez Street]

17.       NBI TODA

Brgy. 10, P. Gomez Street – in front of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) [Southern side]

18.       LPC TODA

Brgy. 7-A, Hizon corner Rizal Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)

19.       PSA GROUP

Brgy. 14, Siazon Road corner Domingo Samonte Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)

20.       ASTRODEC

Brgy. 21, Gen. Antonio Luna corner M. J. Guerrero Streets (Northern / Eastern sides)


Brgy. 16, Andres Castro corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Northern sides)

22.       PARTAS GROUP

Brgy. 1, Inside the compond of the PARTAS Bus Station

23.       MODELO GROUP

J. P. Rizal Street corner M. Farinas Street (Southern / Western sides)

24.       24 K TODA

M. Nolasco corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western  / Southern sides - East of PUREGOLD Mall)

25.       ABATODA

Abadilla Street (Eastern side, in front of the presently - ME Shopping Center [east of LCPMCC]

26.       LABTODA

V. Llanes Street corner Primo Lazaro Avenue (Western / Northern sides)

27.       MAUI BOYS

Don G. Rafales corner J. P. Rizal Streets, Brgy. 1 (Western / Northern sides)

28.       CENTRO TODA

M. Nolasco corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western  Northern sides)

29.       UNITRIOD

F.. R. Castro Avenue – Northern side of the Laoag City Hall


F. R. Castro Avenue (Northern side - back of Puregold Mall)


West Wing Provincial Capitol V. Llanes corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Northern sides)

32.       PVIL TODA

Brgy 11, Mckinley corner Primo Lazaro Streets (Eastern / Northern sides)


Gov. R Ablan Avenue  corner P. Gomez Street (Western / Northern sides – in front of Ilocos Norte National High School [INNHS])


Don. E. Ruiz corner F. R. Castro Avenue (Western / Southern sides)

35.       INWD GROUP

BRGY. 22, F. R. Castro Avenue (In front of Ilocos Norte Water District [INWD])

36.       LRT TODA (Daytime)

Bishop Victorino corner Gen. Antonio Luna Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)


Brgy. 16, Andres Castro corner Gen. Antonio Luna Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)


Paco Roman Street corner F. R Castro Avenue (Eastern / Northern sides)

39.       D’ PARTIAL

Mckinley Street corner Gen. Antonio Luna Street (Eastern / Northern sides)

40.       JBR TODA

Primo Lazaro street corner Gen. Segundo Avenue (Southern / Western sides)

41.       GV FLORIDA GROUP (Night time)

Bishop Victorino corner Gen. Antonio Luna Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)

42.       GRASMH

 P. Gomez Street – Southern side in front of Gov. Roque Ablan Sr. Memorial Hospital (GRASMH)

43.       B SIDE TODA

Don. E. Ruiz corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western / Southern sides)


Dr. Damaso Samonte corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Northern sides)


Lagasca corner Primo Lazaro Streets (Eastern  / Northern sides)

46.       INNHS TODA

Gov. R. Ablan Avenue (eastern side – in front of INNHS Technical and Vocational Education Compound

47.       PETRO GAZZ

P. Gomez corner Gen. Segundo Avenue (Southern / Western sides)

48.       LCCC

Villanueva Street corner F. R. Castro Avenue (Western / Northern sides)

49.       MCDO TODA

East of Gilbert Bridge alongTrece Martirez Street (Western side)

50.       ULTRA  (Daytime)

Balintawak corner J.P. Rizal Streets (Eastern / Southern sides)


East Wing Capitol – Paco Roman corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western / Northern sides)


Abadilla corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western / Northern sides) West LCPMCC

53.       MVTODA

 Abadilla corner J. P. Rizal Streets (Western / Southern sides) East of LCPMCC

54.       FASTRIA

M. Farinas corner F. R. Castro Avenue (Eastern / Northern sides) 


Tricycles can load and unload passengers on any of the streets they are allowed to ply, provided that in doing so they do not obstruct traffic.

c)       Calesa:

1.       West side of the street west of the Laoag City Public Market and Commercial Complex (LCPMCC);

2.       Calesas can load and unload on any of the streets they are allowed to ply, provided that in doing so they do not obstruct traffic.

SECTION 5.- It shall be unlawful for any person to park his vehicle in any area for a period of time longer than the ordinary period of loading and unloading other than that of the designated place wherein parking is allowed.

Any violation of this provision shall subject the offender to a fine of One Thousand (Php 1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

SECTION 6.-  Pedestrian Lanes are provided in the designated areas along several streets which persons/pedestrians should use when crossing the said streets, otherwise, said persons/pedestrians who cross the streets without using the designated pedestrian lanes shall be liable for JAYWALKING and shall be subject to a fine of One Thousand (Php1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

SECTION 7.- It shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle including animal drawn vehicles to ply along the city streets of Laoag during nighttime without installing head lights, stop lights and other kinds of vehicle reflectors In like manner, animal-drawn vehicles should have sufficient reflectors and visible lights.

Any violation of this provision shall subject the offender to a fine of One Thousand (Php 1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

SECTION 8.-  No driver of any passenger vehicle, except tricycles and calesas, is allowed to load and unload at any place except on designated loading and unloading areas.

Any violation of this provision shall subject the offender to a fine of One Thousand (Php 1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

SECTION 9. No driver of any kind of vehicle whether motorized or not shall be allowed to enter a street, make a left turn or U–Turn on streets where the said signs are installed/placed;

Any violation of this provision shall subject the offender to a fine of One Thousand (Php 1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

SECTION 10. The following shall be considered prohibited acts under this Code and shall be punishable with a fine of One Thousand (Php 1,000.00) Pesos per violation.

a.)     Any driver of a vehicle including animal drawn vehicles and electric bikes who fail to make a FULL STOP when crossing the following THROUGH STREETS, to wit:

J. P. Rizal Street;

F. R. Castro Avenue;

Gen. Antonio Luna Street;

M.H. Del Pilar Street;

Gov. Roque Ablan, Sr. Avenue;

Don Severino Hernando Avenue;

P. Gomez Street, Balintawak Street;

Gen. Segundo Avenue;

Maria Dizon Street (Vintar road); and

Siazon road;

Provided that in intersections where both streets are considered as through streets, vehicles along National roads – J. P. Rizal Street, F. R. Castro Avenue, Gen. Segundo Avenue, shall have preference;

Provided further that in the following intersections where one is a National road and the other is a Secondary National road

-J. P. Rizal Street (National road) and Gov. Roque Ablan, Sr. Avenue (Secondary National road),

-Gen. Segundo Avenue (National road) and P. Gomez Street (Secondary National road)

vehicles along the National roads (J. P. Rizal street and Gen. Segundo Avenue) shall have preference;

Provided furthermore that in the case of Maria Dizon Street, notwithstanding that it is a City Street, vehicles along the said street shall have preference EXCEPT on the intersections of F. R. Castro Avenue and J. P. Rizal Street; 

b.)    Any driver of a vehicle who shall overtake another vehicle on curves, unless the latter has stopped, at the intersection and approaches of bridges, hills and along places where overtaking is prohibited.

c.)     Any driver of a tricycle or calesa who shall traverse or operate his vehicle along National Roads except to cross the same; Provided that tricycles or calesas shall be allowed on National roads if there is no other route/way for said vehicles to pass through in going to other places.

d.)    Any passenger who shall load his vehicle with more than its seating capacity.



SECTION 11.- All calesas and electric bikes used or operated within the City must register with the City Treasurer’s Office for the current year in accordance with existing ordinances, rules and regulations.

SECTION 12.- Number plates, preparation and issuance of - The City Treasurer’s Office shall cause the number plates to be prepared and issued to the owner’s of calesas  and electric bikes registered and recorded in the City Treasurer’s Office under this Code, for a reasonable fee, provided, that the fee shall be subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, and provided further that the identification, numbers and letters of  any calesa or electric bike shall be permanently assigned to such vehicle during its lifetime.

The transfer of number plates, validating tags and/or stickers as provided herein from one vehicle to another without a permit from the City Treasurer’s Office shall be punishable with a fine of Two Thousand (P2,000.00) Pesos and/or imprisonment of Ten (10) days at the discretion of the Court.

For purposes of the renewal of registration of the above vehicles, the City Treasurer shall issue validating tags and/or stickers indicating the year of registry, charging a reasonable fee; Provided, that the fee shall be subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

SECTION 13.-  Use of number plates. - At all times, every vehicle shall display in a conspicuous place, its number plates, whether those issued by the Land Transportation Office or the City Treasurer’s Office.

The number plate shall be kept clean and cared for, and shall be firmly affixed to the vehicle in such manner as will make it entirely visible and always legible.




SECTION 14. – Duty to procure license. Except as otherwise provided in the Land Transportation Code, R.A. 4136, no person shall operate any motor vehicle without first procuring a license from the Land Transportation Office to drive a motor vehicle for the current year, nor while such license is delinquent, invalid, suspended or revoked by the Land Transportation Office. Only those persons who are holders of a license to operate a motorcycle shall be allowed to operate an electric or e-bike.

Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall operate any calesa without first procuring a license from the City Treasurer’s Office for the current year nor while such license is delinquent, invalid suspended or revoked by the City Treasurer.

The license shall be carried by the driver or cochero (calesa driver) at all times when operating a motor vehicle or a calesa, respectively, and shall be shown, for cause and upon demand, to any person with authority under this Code.


SECTION 15. - a) Exceeding registered carrying capacity. – No person operating any vehicle shall allow more passengers in his vehicle than its registered carrying capacity.

b) Carrying of passengers on top of vehicles. – No person operating any vehicle shall allow any passenger to ride on the cover or top of such vehicle.

c) Riding on running boards. No person operating any vehicle shall permit any person to ride on the running board, step board, mudguard, fender or bumper in his vehicle.



a) Headlights. – Every motor vehicle of more than one meter of projected width, while in use on any public highway shall bear two headlights, one on each side, with white or yellowish light visible from the front, which shall both be lighted, not later than one-half hour after sunset and until at least one half-hour before sunrise and whenever weather conditions so require.

b) Taillights. – Every motor vehicle and trailer shall, during the above-mentioned hours, also bear on each side in the rear lamp showing a red light visible at least one hundred (100) meters from the rear of the vehicle and a lamp throwing a white light up on the number plate issued for such vehicle.

c) Stop Lights. – Every motor vehicle shall be equipped at the rear with at least two lamps which shall throw a sustained bright red light visible under all conditions, even under bright sunlight, when the brakes are applied.

d) Signal lights. – Every motor vehicle shall be equipped, both in front and at the rear, with a signal light which should be activated by the driver when the said vehicle is about to and while making a turn.

e) Motorcycles, Electric bikes and other vehicle lights. – Every motor vehicle and electric bike of less than one meter of projected width shall be subject to the preceding provisions of this section, except that one headlight and one tail-light shall be required.

            Additional lamps may be carried provided they comply with the preceding provisions of this section.

            Every other vehicle, or whatever style, kind, make, character, or nature, when upon a highway during the hours above-mentioned, whether in motion or not, shall have one or more lights so arranged that the same shall be visible at least fifty meters from the front and the rear of such vehicle.

            (f) Lights and reflectors when parked or stalled.- Appropriate parking lights or flares visible one hundred meters away shall be displayed at a corner of the vehicle whenever such vehicle is parked on highways or in places that are not well-lighted or is placed in such manner as to endanger passing traffic.

            (g) Mufflers- Every motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a muffler, and whenever said motor vehicle passes through a street of any city, municipality, or thickly populated district or barangay, the muffler shall not be cut out or removed. No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a manner as to cause it to emit or make any unnecessary or disagreeable odor, smoke or noise.



SECTION 16. Restrictions as to Speed.

(a) Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the highway, and of any other condition then and there existing; and no person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as to endanger the life, limb and property of any person, nor at a speed greater than will permit him to bring the vehicle to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.

(b) Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the rate of speed of any motor vehicle shall not exceed the following



Passenger cars, motorcycles and electric bikes

Motor, trucks and buses

On open country roads, with no "blinds corners" not closely bordered by habitations.

80 km. per hour

50 km. per hour

On "through streets" or boulevards, clear of traffic, with no " blind corners," when so designated.

40 km. per hour

30 km. per hour

On city and municipal streets, with light traffic, when not designated "through streets".

30 km. per hour

30 km. per hour

Through crowded streets, approaching intersections at "blind corners," passing school zones, passing other vehicles which are stationery, or for similar dangerous circumstances.

20 km. per hour

20 km. per hour


                         (c) The rates of speed herein above prescribed shall not apply to the following:

1.         A physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls;

2.         The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to and from the place of accident or other emergency.

3.         Any driver bringing a wounded or sick person or any person in distress for emergency treatment to a hospital, clinic, or any other similar place;

4.         The driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the armed forces while in use for official purposes in times of riot, insurrection or invasion;

5.         The driver of a vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal or to report to the authorities of an emergency situation;

6.         A law enforcement officer who is trying to overtake a violator of a traffic law or an officer responding to an emergency; and

7.         The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any fire department, provided that the herein exemptions shall not be construed as to allow unnecessary fast driving of the drivers aforementioned.

Section 17.- Driving on Right Side of Highway.

Unless a different course of action is required in the interest of the safety and the security of life, person or property, or because of unreasonable difficulty of operation in compliance herewith, every person operating a motor vehicle or an animal-drawn vehicle on a highway shall pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming toward him, and to the left when overtaking persons or vehicles going the same direction, and when turning to the left in going from one highway to another, every vehicle shall be conducted to the right of the center of the intersection of the highway.


SECTION 18. -  Overtaking a vehicle.- The driver of any motor vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left thereof, and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safety clear of such overtaken vehicle except that, on a highway within a business or residential district, having two or more lanes for the movement of traffic in one direction, the driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn.

SECTION 19. – Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle. The driver of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by another vehicle approaching from the rear shall give way to the overtaking vehicle on suitable and audible signal being given by the driver of the overtaking vehicle, and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

SECTION 20. – Restrictions on overtaking and passing.

a)                   The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the left side of the center line of a highway in overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, unless such left side is clearly visible, and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking or passing to be made in safety.

b)                  The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, when approaching the crest of a grade, nor upon a curve in the highway which is obstructed within a distance of five hundred feet ahead, except in a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle; Provided, That on a highway within a business or residential district, having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in once direction, the driver of a vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle on the right.

c)                   The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass any other vehicles proceeding in the same direction at any intersection of highways, unless such intersection or crossing is controlled by a traffic signal, or unless permitted to do so by a watchman or a peace officer, except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic on one direction where the driver of the vehicle may overtake or pass another vehicle on the right. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a driver overtaking or passing upon the right, another vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn.

d)         The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass, or attempt to pass, any other vehicle/s, proceeding in the same direction, between any points indicated by the placing of official temporary warning or caution signs indicating that men are working on the highway.

e)         The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake or pass, or attempt to overtake or pass any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction in any “non- passing or overtaking zone”.


            SECTION 21. Right of Way.

a) When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right- of- way to the vehicle on the right, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. The driver of any vehicle travelling at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any right-of-way which he might otherwise have hereunder.

b)  The driver of a vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection, shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle within such intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of such first- mentioned vehicle, provided the driver of the vehicle turning left has given a plainly visible signal of his intention to turn as required in this Code.

c)  The driver of any vehicle upon a highway within a business or residential district shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing such highway within a cross walk, except at intersections where the movement of traffic is being regulated by a peace officer or by traffic signal. Every pedestrian crossing a highway within a business or residential district, at any point other than a cross-walk shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles upon the highway.

d)  The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall bring to a full stop such vehicle before traversing any “through highway” or railroad crossing: Provided, that when it is apparent that no hazard exists, the vehicle may be slowed down to eight (8) kilometers or five miles per hour instead of bringing it to a full stop.

            SECTION 22. Exception to the Right of Way rule.

a) The driver of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or drive shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.

b) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall yield the right –of-way to police or fire department vehicles and ambulances when such vehicles are operated on official business and the drivers thereof sound audible signals of their approach.

c)  The driver of a vehicle entering a “through highway” or a “stop intersection” shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching in either direction on such “through highway”; Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as relieving the driver of any vehicle being operated on a “through highway” from the duty of driving with due regard for the safety of vehicles entering such “through highway” nor as protecting the said driver from the consequence of an arbitrary exercise of such right-of-way.

SECTION 23.- Signals on starting, stopping or turning. - a) The driver of any vehicle upon a highway, before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line, shall first see that movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement, shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, and whenever the operation of any other vehicle approaching or following may be by such movement shall give a signal plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicles of the intention to make such movement.

b) The signal herein required shall be given by means of extending the hand and arm beyond the left side of the vehicle, or by an approved mechanical or electrical signal device.


SECTION 24. – Turning at an intersection. a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection shall approach such intersection in the lane for traffic nearest to the right-hand side of the highway and, in turning, shall keep as close as possible to the right-hand curve or edge of the highway.

b) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the center line of the highway, and in turning shall pass to the left of the center of the intersection, except that, upon highways with only one lane for traffic and upon one-way highways, a left turn shall be made from the left lane of traffic in the direction in which the vehicle is proceeding.

c) For the purpose of this section, the center of the intersection shall mean the meeting point of the medial lines of the highways intersecting one another, except when it is occupied by a monument, grass plot or any permanent structure, other than a traffic control device.

            SECTION 25.-  No Parking in specified places. No driver shall park a vehicle, an electric bike or calesa, or permit it to stand, whether attended or unattended, upon any road or street within the territorial jurisdiction of Laoag, specifically in any of the following places:

a)         Within an intersection.

b)         On a crosswalk.

c)         Within six meters of the intersection of curb lines.

d)         Within four meters of the driveway entrance to any fire station or fire hydrant.

e)         In front of a private driveway except - when he is the owner or authorized by the owner, of said driveway.

f)         On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge of the road.

g)         At any place where official signs have been erected prohibiting parking, provided that any unauthorized “No Parking” or “Reserved” signs shall be immediately confiscated and the owner of the establishment concerned shall be warned that a repetition of the same shall be subject to penalty as indicated below.

Article V – Special Privileges

SECTION 26. Definition of Terms:

26.1 Qualified Person – under this article, this term shall mean any person with disability (PWD) or senior citizen (SC) who uses any vehicle or electric bike all by himself/herself without the aid of another driver or chauffeur, with or without other passengers.

26.2 Chauffeur Driven Vehicle – a vehicle driven by a chauffeur or driver who              is not himself/herself a qualified person as above defined.

26.3 Establishment – shall include educational institutions, airports, sports and recreation centers and complexes, shopping centers or shopping establishments, hospitals, office/work-places, and similar entities where parking is a required infrastructural feature and is part of the overall services required by the nature of the establishment

26.4           Paid Parking – vacant lots that operate as parking place for vehicles and/or electric bikes with fees or charges [except the Laoag Central Terminal which is governed by the Central Terminal Code].


27.1. All establishments in the City of Laoag and as above-defined are hereby mandated to comply in the provision of special parking areas distinctly designated for use of persons with disability and/or senior citizens.          

27.2. If feasible, all such existing buildings, institutions, establishments, or public utilities to be constructed or established for which licenses or permits had already been issued may comply with the requirements of this Section.

27.3 In the case of government buildings, streets and highways, the City Engineer who acts as the local building official pursuant to Sec. 477 of RA  7160, shall see to it that the same shall be provided with architectural facilities or structural features for vehicle or electric bike parking that can be reserved for persons with disabilities and/or senior citizens.

27.4 In the case of paid parking, the owner/operator shall ensure that one (1) unit of parking space is reserved for every ten (10) units of parking spaces, provided two (2) units is reserved if the parking capacity is more than ten (10) but less than twenty (20) units, and so on and so forth such that there shall be reserved for persons with disabilities and/or senior citizens one (1) unit of parking space for every ten (10) units of parking space made available to the general public.

27.5 In the case of City streets, the City engineer shall see to it that the same ratio of 1:10 is applied in a contiguous portion of those streets designated as parking areas with the appropriate surface markings.

27.6 The owner or operator of the establishment shall ensure that at least one (1) parking space is reserved for use on demand by PWD/SC clients. Designated/reserved spaces for this purpose shall be identifiable with the appropriate barrier-free signage. For street parking, the street surface of PWD/SC designated parking spaces shall be painted with the appropriate markings. 

27.7 For purposes of resource optimization, other clients may be allowed to use said spaces when not occupied, and yield them to incoming PWD/SC whenever the occasion arises. The owner or operator of the establishment shall ensure that this provision is strictly enforced by their frontline agents. 

27.8 For street parking, under no circumstance shall pwd/sc designated parking spaces be occupied by vehicles or electric bikes other than those driven by or which have as passenger, qualified person/s.

27.9 No establishment, except those vacant private lots operating as Paid Parking, shall collect any fee or charges in the application of this privilege.


SECTION 28. – Reckless driving – No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any highway recklessly or without reasonable caution considering the width, traffic, grades, crossing, curvatures, visibility and other conditions of the highway and the conditions of the atmosphere and weather, or so as to endanger the property or the safety or rights of any person or so as to cause excessive or unreasonable damage to the highway.

SECTION 29. – Right of Way for police and other emergency vehicles. - Upon the approach of any police or fire department vehicle, or of an ambulance giving audible signal, the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately drive the same to a position as near as possible and parallel to the right-hand edge of curve of the highway, clear of any intersection of highways, and shall stop and remain in such position, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer, until such vehicle shall have passed.

SECTION 30.- Tampering with vehicles. - No unauthorized person shall sound the horn, handle the levers or set in motion or in any way tamper with or damage or deface any motor vehicle.

SECTION 31.- Hitching to vehicle – No person shall hang on to, or ride on, the outside or the rear end of any vehicle, and no person on a bicycle, roller skate or other similar device, shall hold fast to or hitch on to any moving vehicle, and no driver shall knowingly permit any person to hang on to, or ride on, the outside or rear end of his vehicle or allow any person on a bicycle, roller skate or other similar device to hold fast or hitch to his vehicle.

SECTION 32. – Driving or parking on sidewalk. – No person shall drive or park a motor vehicle upon or along any sidewalk path or alley not intended for vehicular traffic or parking.

SECTION 33. – Driving while under the influence of liquor or narcotic drug. - No person shall drive a motor while under the influence of liquor or narcotic drug.

SECTION 34. – Obstruction of traffic. - No person shall drive his motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehicle, nor, while discharging or taking on passengers or loading or unloading freight, obstruct the free passage of other vehicles on the highway or road.

SECTION 35. – Duty of driver in case of accident. - In the event that any accident should occur as a result of the operation of a motor vehicle upon, a highway, the driver shall stop immediately and if requested by any person present, shall show his driver’s license, give his true name and address and also the true name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle.

No driver of a motor vehicle concerned in a vehicular accident shall leave the scene of the accident without aiding the victim, except under any of the following circumstances:

1. If he is in imminent danger of being seriously harmed by any person or persons by reason of the accident;

2. If he reports the accident to the nearest officer of the law; or

3. If he has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim.


SECTION 36. – Penalties for violations.

36.a     Any violation of paragraphs a, b, c, d, e and f of Section 24 of this Code shall be subject the driver and/or operator to a fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00) payable to the City Treasurer, without prejudice to the towing and impounding of the vehicle, electric bike or calesa as the circumstances may warrant subject to the payment of the following additional fees:

36.a.1.) Towing Fee                                                      P3,000.00

36.a.2.) Vehicle Storage Fee                              P500.00 per day

36.b     Consonant with Section 46 of R.A. 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, as amended, any person who violates any provision of this the preceding Section Article shall suffer the penalty of fine of not less than Two Thousand Pesos (Php2,000.00) but not exceeding Five Thousand Pesos (Php5,000.00) without prejudice to the imposition by the appropriate court of the penalty of imprisonment as provided for under existing National Laws.

36.b.1. If the violator is willing to pay the minimum fine, he may be allowed to do so immediately to proper authorities and upon issuance of an official receipt, immediately present the same to the enforcing officer so that no citation ticket shall be issued and no case shall be filed in court against the violator.


If the violator admits his violation or offense, he may pay the corresponding fine immediately to the City Treasurer’s Office who shall issue an official receipt and no case shall be filed against him in Court.

36.b.2. If the violator claims innocence of any violation, he/she shall be served a citation ticket. He shall be given two (2) weeks grace period to settle the fine or the minimum fine impossible. In the event of his failure to do so, the appropriate case against him shall then be filed in Court.

36.c The following acts shall be considered as a violation of this Code and shall subject the offender to a fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00), to wit:

36.c.1. Operating a motor vehicle recklessly or without reasonable caution;

36.c.2. Cutting in and out of the traffic lanes;

36.c.3. Cutting the corner of blind curve;

36.c.4. Making a “U” turn on the approach or on top of a bridge or in areas prohibited by the placing of No “U’ turn signs;

36.c.5. Coming out of side streets or driveways without precaution;

36.c.6   Racing on roads or streets;

36.c.7. Failure to observe right hand rule to yield the “Right-of-way” at highway intersections;

36.c.8. Driving on the wrong side of the street;

36.c.9. Backing against the flow of traffic;

36.c.10 Overtaking from the wrong lane;

36.c.11. Improper start from parked position;

36.c.12. Driving without lights during the hours prescribed by law;

36.c.13. Driving against the flow of traffic;

36.c.14. Driving or crossing the safety island not intended for motor vehicles;

36.c.15. Disregarding automatic signaling devices or light or any traffic signals, signs or markings;

36.c.16. Speeding or fast driving;

36.c.17. Entering a “Do not Enter” street or disregarding a “No Entry” sign;

36.c.18. Disregarding a “No Left Turn” sign;

36.c.19. Disregarding a “No Right Turn” sign;

36.c.20. Passing thru when ordered to stop by traffic officer;

36.c.21. Obstruction of Traffic

36.c.22. Arrogance

36.c.23. Refusing Conveyance in the case of public utility vehicles

36.c.24. Driving a motor vehicle without horn or with horns but making a startling sound;

36.c.25. Driving a motor vehicle with open mufflers or modified mufflers making unnecessary noise;

36.c.26. Failure to display a red flag or red light at the rear end of the load which extend beyond the projected length of the vehicle;

36.c.27. Driving a motor vehicle emitting excessive smoke;

36.c.28. Driving along the highway a motor vehicle with metallic tires without the proper permit;

36.c.29. Driving a motor vehicle with dirty, illegible or partly hidden number plates;

36.c.30. Driving a motor vehicle without an improvised front or rear plate when required or with an unauthorized plate;

36.c.31. Operating an “S” vehicle without a commercial or trade name and the words “Not For Hire” painted on both sides of the motor vehicle;

36.c.32. Driving a motor truck without capacity markings plainly marked on both sides of the motor vehicle;

36.c.33. Allowing passengers to ride on the running board or hitch to the vehicle;

36.c.34. Driving without carrying one’s driver’s license

36.c.35. Operating a motor vehicle with an unauthorized siren

36.c.36. Failure to wear the Prescribed Front (Driver and/or Passenger) seat belt device.

36.d The driver and/or operator of any Jeepney and/or Bus who loads and/or unloads his passengers in an illegal terminal shall pay a fine of Php1,000.00.

36.e The owner and/or manager of an establishment who use and/or puts up unauthorized “NO PARKING” or “RESERVED” signs or similar devices or objects shall for the first offense suffer the penalty of confiscation of his sign/similar device/object and for the succeeding offenses, in addition to confiscation, a fine of Php1,000.00.

Other offenses:

1.         Driving with an invalid license

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Three Thousand (Php 3,000.00) Pesos per violation.

2.         Failure to present license card.

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Three Thousand (Php 3,000.00) Pesos per violation.

3.         Driving without first securing a driver’s license

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Three Thousand (Php 3,000.00) Pesos per violation.

4.         Operating a vehicle with an invalid/fake registration     

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Three Thousand (Php 3,000.00) Pesos per violation.

5.         Driving while under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Five Thousand (Php 5,000.00) Pesos per violation.

6.         Failure to wear the standard protective motorcycle helmet or failure to require the back rider to wear the same

Any violation shall subject the offender to a fine of Two Thousand (Php2,000.00) Pesos per violation

SECTION 37. All other violations of Traffic Rules and Regulations and of this Code whose penalties are not otherwise specifically provided herein, shall be punished as in paragraph 1 of this chapter.

SECTION 38.- Punishment for other offenses. - The conviction of any person for any offense under this Ordinance shall not bar his prosecution for any other offense which may have been committed by such person concurrently with the commission of the offense of which he was convicted or in doing the act or series of acts which constituted the offense of which he was convicted.

SECTION 39.- Any person defacing or altering road signs, road markings and destroying official signboards shall be punished by a fine of One Thousand (P1,000.00) PESOS.

SECTION 40. a) The enforcement of this Code shall be the primary responsibility of the City Mayor and the Philippine National Police but the Peace and Order Council of the City may deputize, upon training, any and all of the following for the enforcement of this Code and the prevention of any violations thereof:

1.         All elected officials of the City of Laoag

2.         Members of the Peace and Order Council

3.         Barangay Officials

4.         Barangay Tanods

5.         Members of Civic and Religious Organizations

6.         Police Interns

7.         Traffic Aides

8.         Any citizen.of the Philippines who is of legal age and resides in the City;

b) Any violator of this Code shall be issued a citation ticket by persons duly authorized as provided in this Code:

1. If the (suspect) violator admits his violation or offense, he may pay the corresponding fine immediately to the City Treasurer’s Office who shall issue an official receipt and no case shall be filed in Court against the violator.


2. If the violator claims innocence of any violation, he shall be served a citation ticket. He shall be given two (2) weeks grace period to settle the fine or minimum fine imposable. In the event of his failure to do so, the appropriate case against him shall then be filed in Court.


            Section 41. INCENTIVES AND REWARDS SYSTEM. The management of the monetary penalties in this ordinance shall be subject to the following rules:

a.)     Fifty Percent (50%) of the monetary penalty of ANY violation of this Ordinance shall accrue to the Apprehending Officers to be paid in the form of incentive allowance on a quarterly basis, in such manner that Thirty Percent (30%) shall be awarded to the arresting officer and Twenty Percent (20%) shall form part of the revolving fund of the PNP, Traffic Aides, DPS Enforcers and Others subject to the submission of documents required under existing accounting and auditing procedures.


            SECTION 42.- No Sangguniang Barangay shall enact or enforce any ordinance or resolution which will or is in conflict with the provisions of this Code, or prohibit any person/s duly authorized under Section 4 (a) to enforce this Code within its territorial jurisdiction.

            SECTION 43.- Repealing clause. Any ordinance or resolution inconsistent or contrary to this Code is hereby repealed, or amended accordingly.

SECTION 44.- Separability clause. - If any provision of this Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Code, and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

            Section 45.- Effectivity clause. - This Code shall take effect upon approval and after the required publication and/or posting as provided for under the Local Government Code.


Approved this 14th day of October, 2020 by the members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod present with the following votes:

Voting in Favor: J.C.A. Respicio II, R.J.C. Fariñas II, H.T. Lao, J.C.G. Chua, E.U. Chua, D.B. Lao, J.B.Ll. Perera, R.B.C. Ablan, J.G. Baquiran, E.H. Bonoan M.V. Fariñas, A.F.T. Lao

Voting Against: None

Abstention: None

I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above-quoted City Ordinance No. 2020-045.



                                                                                                            Secretary to the Sanggunian





                        City Vice-Mayor/Presiding Officer













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