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The Kangaroo Court that sent a Man to the Cross

By Noralyn O. Dudt "WE HAVE no king but Caesar " came the rallying cry from the agitated crowd at the praetorium, outside the palace of the Roman governor. Pilate brought Jesus out with the crown of thorns already on his head, blood streaming down his face. He asked the Jews, "what do you want me to do with your king?" It had  been a long  grueling ordeal for Jesus. Just the night before, he was arrested at the Garden of Gethsemane where he was in deep and earnest  prayer.  "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done." He was so anguished that  he was sweating drops of blood. Sweating drops of blood is rare but very real. It is known as "hematidrosis," a  medical condition that causes one's sweat to contain blood. The sweat glands are surrounded by tiny blood vessels that can constrict and then dilate to the point of rupture, causing blood to effuse into the sweat glands. The cause of hematidrosi...

The Discovery and the Fallout

By Noralyn Onto Dudt "THEY HEARD  the sound of the Lord GOD walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord GOD among the trees of the garden. But the Lord GOD called the man and said to him, "Where are you?" He said, "I heard the sound of you in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself." He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate." Then the Lord GOD said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" The woman said,  "The serpent tricked me, and I ate." The man and the woman whom we now know as Adam and Eve were actually hiding from the One who had created them and placed them in that garden, the One who had been visiting them in the time "of th...

Blood sugar chaos

By Noralyn Dudt SUGAR—we all love the sweet white stuff: in our coffee and other beverages, in cakes and cookies, even in spaghetti sauce.  While the body uses sugar for energy, excessive amounts can be damaging.  As sugar travels through your bloodstream to your cells, it's called blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. The term glucose is derived from the Greek for sweet. blood glucose is crucial for bodily functions  and provides a source of energy for most cells. However, maintaining normal blood glucose levels is an important part of avoiding long-term health issues, managing weight and supporting overall well-being. An unbalanced sugar intake can start a cycle of blood sugar imbalance. An "enseymada"  (sweet roll) in the morning breaks down into glucose, spiking blood sugar levels. The pancreas releases insulin which drops blood sugar levels. A rapid rise and rapid drop in blood sugar levels can cause fatigue, and signal the release of cortisol, a stress...

The body’s second line of defense

By Noralyn Dudt THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM,   a vital part of the immune system is a network of organs, vessels and tissues that work together to move a colorless, watery fluid (lymph) back into the circulatory system ( the bloodstream). After the skin, the LS is the second line of defense against foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. Not only it   blocks bacteria from entering the body, it can also remove those harmful ones that evaded the blocking. In addition, the LS removes excess fluids from the body and reduces swelling/inflammation. When the lymphatic system cannot sufficiently drain the lymph fluid,   swelling occurs, most often in the arms and legs. The protein molecules that are not filtered out start to accumulate underneath the skin. This is the earliest sign of lymphedema. The symptoms develop slowly. In fact the apparent symptom of swelling will not be present yet. Even though the limb looks presumably normal on the outside, the extra water will p...

Eureka: Katimbeng ti pateg dagiti napukawko iti Hawaii ti nasarakal ditoy Las Vegas

Paset ti panagbiagko dagiti n apateg a bambanag a napukawko iti Hawaii a nabukelko iti kinasiak kabayatan nga addaak sadiay iti aganay a 52 a tawen. Nakail-ilala la unay kaniak gapu ta isuda ti nangrugiak, isuda ti namagbalin a pakabuklan a paset ti kinataok, propesion, trabaho ken iti komunidad a pakaibilangan ti Lions Club International, GUMIL Hawai, GUMIL Oahu, Timpuyog, Oahu Filipino Community Council, United Filipino Council of Hawaii, Order of Knights of Rizal, Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii, Vigan Association of Hawaii & Associates, Honolulu Fil-Am Lions Club; Hawaii Fil-Am Media Council, Laoag City Circle, DWCLCAAH, Tri Media Council,  Leeward Oahu Lions Club, Hawaii Lions Club, District 50;  Filipino Fiesta, Sinait Alumni Association of Hawaii, Ewa Neighborhood  Board, Friends of Ewa,  Ilocos Sur International Association and Foundation, ken dadduma pay. Tagipatgek amin dagiti innak pannakipulapol kadagiti adu a gagayyem, ken dagiti padak a volunteers kad...

The Gut’s Microbiome

(Sequel to “The gut and brain link”) By Noralyn O. Dudt MICROBIOME of the Gut is the newest frontier in Medicine as extensive research has "uncovered" its role in both health and disease, establishing its involvement in human metabolism, nutrition, physiology, and immune function. Whether you're aware or not, your gut (lower intestines) is home to a colony of microbes. These human digestive-tract associated microbes are referred to as the gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome is a microscopic world within the world of your larger body. The trillions of microorganisms that live there affect each other and their environment   in various ways. They also appear to influence many aspects of your overall health,   both within your digestive system and outside of it. Each individual has a his/her own   "colony" of these microbes. We are born with them, and the colony develops as we grow. The colony's development depends on the food you eat, and the lifestyle yo...

The gut and brain link

That queasy feeling,   butterflies in the stomach, a lump in the throat which we all have experienced   at one time or another. Studies have shown that these gut reactions are responses to our psychosocial environment and circumstances -- travel, school examinations,   public speaking,   dietary indiscretions are familiar provocations. We often respond to strong emotions or changes in circumstances with such digestive symptoms as nausea, heartburn,   abdominal discomfort, or altered bowel habit. But why the gut ? And how does the brain factor in all of these? The Enteric Nervous System   (ENS) and its neurotransmitters influenced by hormones play a role in this process because the gut and the brain are linked. Gut is an old Anglo-Saxon word that applies to the passage from the mouth to the anus. The word intestine, like many Franco-English words, may appeal to the sensitive, but it excludes the stomach and the esophagus. Bowel and intestine refer only to ...