the debate rages on the proposed tricycle
fare rates increase, the riding public now wants more involvement—both in the
deliberations and public hearings.

From overcharging to
refused conveyance; over-speeding and cramped tricycle designs; up to tricycle
franchise issues; and down to the inefficient, inexact and basically inexistent
distance rate; the open letter points out all that is wrong with the city’s
public transportation system. And how our local officials are essentially
winging it when it comes to managing public transportation.
The letter also
points out that when the city government raised basic fare rate to PHP11 from
PHP8 in 2011, gasoline prices then averaged PHP59.39 per liter. During the
first quarter of this year, gasoline prices averaged PHP55.26—and yet tricycle
operators and drivers want an even higher PHP4 basic fare hike and another PHP1
hike for succeeding kilometers after the first kilometer.
The letter, however,
does not mention that in the past, the basic fare rates cover the first three
or two kilometers; and yet the proposed rate now only covers the first
On top of this, the
city government should now also decide whether to base the fare rates on
distance or number of passengers. Unfortunately for everyone concerned, no one
seems to notice that public transport operators cannot have it both ways as
this is very detrimental to the riding public.
In their proposed
rate, a single passenger will pay PHP15 for the first kilometer, while two
passengers pay PHP30, and the multiplier effect goes on as the number of
passengers increase. And if they travel farther, they suffer an additional PHP2
per kilometer; and the passenger multiplier effect still applies. Will those
decision-makers factor this in? Or will they become too busy doing something
else that they will treat this issue with shallowness instead of thoroughness
and serious research?
If lawmakers can
only see what is in front of them and do not understand all the effects of what
they are drafting, then they are simply trying to wing it—at the expense of a
constituent they vowed to serve.
The proposed fare
rate increase is not a simple issue. We all know that. But we can only hope
that those tasked to make the decisions know this too. The open letter put it
succinctly that this issue not only concerns the tricycle operators and drivers
but more so, the riding public—as they will have to shoulder the additional
financial burden.
And whether they admit it or not—they like it or
not—these officials are in the hot seat; and the public will see a glimpse of
their true worth soon enough.
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