Though this seems fair in the face of rising fuel prices,
the city government needs to put a measure to crackdown on rogue tricycle
drivers who prey on the riding public for it to become genuinely fair.
It has become the norm rather than the exception for
tricycle drivers to ask for additional fare when they ferry a lone passenger;
some ask for a nominal addition while others ask a lone passenger to double
their fare. The local fare law has specified the additional amount for fare for
every kilometer after the first kilometer, but drivers ask for payment that is
above and beyond the legal rates. According to the local law this was supposed
to be illegal; yet they do happen anyways.
Though the passenger may have a way to fight back by
reporting the abusive tricycle drivers, the penalty for their illegal acts do
not seem to deter them, as most of them continue with this scheme. This only
proves that the local law’s safeguards that should protect the riding public
from abusive tricycle drivers is flawed. Broken even.
As the city’s riding public faces another fare hike, city
officials who are supposed to protect everyone’s rights should do more to make
whatever law they will craft work for all—the tricycle operators and drivers,
and the riding public.
The most basic that they can do is to put up a distance
matrix from one landmark to another, like what other cities did. This will make
the real prescribed rate clearer to both driver and passenger. It specifies the
distance traveled and the fare amount.
Laoag officials should also give stiffer penalties to
drivers that refuse to ferry a single passenger. Or to those who become rude
when passengers rebuff the exorbitant fares drivers ask for.
A fare increase right now will cut both ways—it would
help the operators and drivers but would also hurt the riding public. And with
the current situation, abuses will continue and the real fare hike will simply
become more than double than what the council decides on.
It may take more patience, more research and more work to
make this right. But the people of Laoag elected their councilors in the
expectation that they will serve us all.
And not just a select group.
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