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Rash judgments, detraction, calumny

THEY often go together and we are very much prone to them. Thus, we have to be properly guarded, training ourselves to practice restraint and to be quick to rectify once we fall into them.

We are reminded of this phenomenon in that gospel episode where the usual critics of Christ were observing closely whether Christ would cure a man with a withered hand. (cfr. Mk 6,6-11) They really did not know who Christ really was, and thus branded Christ as a violator of their man-made beliefs, laws and traditions.

Rash judgment is when one assumes as true without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of another person. Detraction is the unjust violation of the good reputation of another person by revealing something true but confidential about him. While calumny or slander is when what is imputed about a person is not true.

These moral anomalies usually come about when people indulge in what may be considered as a popular pastime, which is gossiping. To gossip is at least bad manners. If ever we have to talk about somebody with some of our friends, only nice, edifying things should be said.

We actually have no right to say negative things about others for the simple reason that the ones concerned would have no chance to explain and defend themselves and those talked to usually do not have any way to do anything about those negative things, since they have nothing to do with the persons gossiped about.

We have to be most careful when in a conversation the topic would touch about a certain person who is not there. If the tone is not positive, the most likely thing to happen is that the conversation will turn into backbiting and mudslinging. The temptation is usually strong, and many find it irresistible.

Even if the negative things said of a person are true, it is still wrong to gossip because that would be a form of detraction. It would still go against the commandment of charity which has as its finer points the demands of magnanimity, compassion, mercy, understanding, etc.

But what usually happens in that hush-hush tone of gossips is that the negative things said are not true or are already compromised, what with all the exaggerations and distortions and the voicing of biases and prejudices that are typical of gossips. In this case, one would commit calumny or slander which is a more serious offense against a person.

Gossips encourage rash judgments, silly loquacity and reckless considerations of persons. They actually dehumanize gossipers. They spoil the tongue by letting it have its way without the proper guidance of right reason, let alone, charity.

Especially nowadays when we are into rapid communication, we have to be most careful with the words we are using. Words, which are a staple in our exchanges with one another and have great power of influence, need to be handled properly.

Their quality both reflects and builds up the kind of person and society we are. We just have to make sure then that they do us what is truly good, that they contribute to the common good. We have to develop a keener sense of responsibility over them even as we grow in our sense of freedom in using them.

Sad to say, many now are the indications we are abusing the use of words. Gossips and idle talks are now going viral. All forms of defamation, whether of the detraction type or that of calumny, are spreading like wildfire.

Loquacity seems to be the rule of the road nowadays, dumping us with all kinds of exaggerations, reckless words and stray insinuations.


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