We hate to put it bluntly but there’s
only one word that can correctly describe the substation of the Philippine
Coast Guard (PCG) in Davila, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte: POOR!

Davila substation is a poor government office because it is a stinking
burrow of red tape.
Last week, at least nine Taiwanese fishing vessels were spotted by local
fishermen around 30 nautical miles from the shores of Davila. These foreign
boats—most of them believed to be armed—were obviously carrying out illegal
fishing in the Philippine waters.
Considering the ongoing disputes on the West Philippine Sea, the matter
is alarming—and deserving of public attention and dissemination through the
So, we went to the PCG substation in Davila for a coverage—and there we
saw the burrow.
The place was small. But it was not surprising considering that it is
only a substation. What surprised us was the unconcerned demeanor of the petty
officers. As if there was no problem confronting them at present. Brutally put,
they were ignorantly cool.
When we started asking questions, of course with our camera, they flatly
told us to go to their higher offices in Currimao or in the region to get
answers for our questions.
What? Currimao is more than 60 kilometers from Davila! We were just
asking questions similar to blotter materials—what, when, where, who, how! We
were not asking for anything that would compromise their operations or anything
that would result to their discharge in service. We were asking simple, almost
trivial, facts.
But Petty Officer 2 Michael Guray, the substation commander, said that
he is not allowed to speak. And if he speaks he must get first the permission
of his superior in Currimao who will get first the permission of the regional
command who will probably get first the permission of the national command.
Whew! We wanted to ask Mr. Guray if he already brushed his
teeth, but we bet he will get the permission of his superior first before he
can give an answer.
But we insisted on the interview. We stressed that as a substation, they
have the obligation to inform the public on such pressing matter. So, Mr. Guray
made us wait and wait. By the way, in Iluko, “guray” means “wait”.
At last, after a long wait and many debates, Mr. Guray granted us a
short interview. An interview about simple, almost trivial, facts. At least we
now know that an interview on open facts can also be mentally exhausting and
energy draining—only in the PCG.
The coast guard is a part of our line of defense. Being a front-liner of
the people’s protection, coast guard commanders must have some training on
decision making—a leeway for self-confidence.
But if their substations are pinned on the “Guray Method”, what would
happen to our security? What would happen to our country? We will be left
hiding in the burrows of the coast guard, hopeless and condemned in their
inutile ways.
BARD NOTES: Happy bard-reading to
Mayor Chevylle Fariñas, Vice Mayor Michael V. Fariñas, provincial treasurer
Josephine Calajate, INWD general manager John Teodoro, Dr. Miramar Bumanglag
and PNB Laoag branch manager Metty V. Guerrero.
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