WITH THE 2016 general
elections over and done with, the Filipino people should now take the time to
heal the pains, applaud the candidates, and accept the results.

This year’s election can
easily become the most wicked in recent memory. All the words that have been
said; all the actions that have been taken; and all the posts in social media
have been filled with vitriol. When the heat of the election campaign
starts to die down, some of us may offer apologies for words uttered and posted;
but all of us must support the winners. For this is the essence of
democracy—majority rules. And even if our chosen candidates were not as
fortunate, our being Filipinos should behoove us to support the winners in all
means possible.
The 2016 elections brought
out the best and worst in all of us. We have resorted to name-calling;
threatening supporters of other candidates; and literally stepping on other
people just so we could make our chosen candidates rise. Ethnic and tribal
roots also took center stage; we have become more Ilocanos, Bisaya,
Pangasinense and other geo-political groups than being Filipinos. We seemed to
have forgotten that before anything else, we are Filipinos first.
And it is in this notion that
we have to understand that whatever the results of the elections are, we are
all bound to accept them—and to acknowledge the winners as our elected
The gains we have all
attained—a growing economy, a stronger democracy, and the freedom to virtually
say and do anything—would amount to nothing if we do not participate in the
process to move our country further forward. More so, we should all remain
vigilant in guarding not only our freedom and democracy; but also see to it
that the campaign promises of those who won are realized.
The time for bickering and
politicking is over. It is now time to prove that we meant who and what we
voted for.
And before everything else,
we have to remember again that we are all Filipinos first before we are
anything else.
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