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Laoag City ComPAC guidelines ordinance

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
     WHEREAS, one of the sterling accomplishments instituted by the Laoag City government during the administration of Hon. Michael V. Fariñas is the establishment of the Community Police Assistance Centers (ComPACs) in collaboration with the Philippine National Police (PNP); the objective of which is to provide immediate/quick response to calls for assistance by the barangays within the jurisdiction of one ComPAC;
     WHEREAS, at present ComPACs are strategically located in various entry and exit points of Laoag City: (1) Barangay 52-A, San Mateo in the East; (2) Laoag-Vintar road, North East, near the Gabaldon Elementary School; (3) Gen. Segundo Ave.; (4) Gabu-Nangalisan-San Nicolas Junction;(5) Airport Rd. near CABEZA Elementary School; (6) INNHS-INCAT-SIRIB Mile District, Ablan Ave. corner P. Gomez St.; (7) Laoag-Caaoacan Rd., Dibua South, near the Don Galicano Rafales Elementary School for the North West; (8) Don Federico L. Fariñas/Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel Rd; that if and when these ComPACs are properly utilized in accordance to their purpose and objectives, functions and sytem of operation originally set forth for their establishment would become very effective tools in promoting PUBLIC SAFETY, CRIME PREVENTION, PEACE AND ORDER not only in Laoag City but in the entire province of Ilocos Norte as well;
     WHEREAS, enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, particularly in its Preamble, it is written, “ is the aspiration of the people to have a peaceful and orderly society”; and, embodied as well in Chapter IX, Article II, Section 5; “.......and therefore it is the role of every government, national or local units (emphasis is mine) to work for the promotion of general welfare, peace and order and public safety”;
     WHEREAS, in the past months, there was a noted increase in vehicular accidents leading to injuries and even deaths; crimes of murder or homicide; carnapping, human and drug trafficking incidents and other crimes being committed that puts into jeopardy the lives and limbs of the people, as well as the peace and order situation, public safety In Laoag City to include the Province of Ilocos Norte;
     WHEREAS, there is an influx of investments and the coming of housing projects as a proof of a progressing Laoag City and such may lead and further increase the incidence of crimes and so therefore there should be proactive measures to mitigate if not to prevent totally the incidence of crimes in the city of Laoag ;
     WHEREAS, one of the Plans, Programs and Activities (PPAs) embodied in the Executive-Legislatives Agenda (ELA) of the Laoag City Government promulgated under the administration of the Hon. Chevylle V. Fariñas is the institutionalization of programs that shall address concerns on public safety, crime prevention, peace and order and those that create/encourage investment opportunities;
     NOW THEREFORE, considering the above premises, upon motion of the Hon. Joseph h. Tamayo, Majority Floor Leader and, Chairman of the Committee on Disasters, Relief Operations and Public Safety and as the author and sponsor, duly seconded by Hon. Edison H. Bonoan and Hon. Sonia B. Siazon, the Body with the Honorable Members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Laoag City assembled in Session
Series of 2014
Be it Ordained that:
     Section 1. A set of Rules, Procedures and Guidelines as provided in this Ordinance shall be adopted in the operation of the ComPACs and the same are institutionalized for the effective promotion, attainment and maintenance of public safety, peace and order as well as the general welfare of the people in Laoag City.
                2.1 The CompACs shall conduct with regularity un-announced 6PM-6AM Check Point Scheme.
                2.2 If and when a situation demands, registration or listing of plate numbers of in-coming and out-going motor vehicles and other forms of land transportation shall be considered. If and when possible even the names of drivers or operators of the out-going / in-coming vehicles especially during night time shall also be listed.
                2.3 If and when necessary or when a situation demands, such as when there is an information or a bulletin from authorities, of cases of robbery, killing(s), gun running, kidnapping, carnapping, drug trafficking, prison outbreak, illegal logging and other forms of illegal or criminal activities, inspection of vehicles shall be conducted. Discovery of person(s) or items that fall under the categories as mentioned herein can lead to the apprehension/confiscation of the items and the detention of person(s) involved to serve as evidences and be subjected to further investigation and when proper, be referred to the City or Provincial Prosecutor’s Office for preliminary investigation or inquest proceedings.
                2.4 The function(s) of the BPATS assigned in each ComPAC shall be limited to crowd control if the situation requires; man the information desk and listing, when necessary, the plate numbers or even names of individuals (as in the case of tricycles/jeepneys/cargo trucks) serving as drivers or operators that may go in or out of the city; maintain a log book where names or events that took place during a certain period during their watch are recorded; man the communication center of the ComPAC; and, to keep watch on the CCTV monitor. They shall not get involved in any function that are exclusively The functions of the members of the PNP, but may, from time to time, perform tasks that may be assigned to them by their team leader provided however that the task does not compromise their safety or life.
                2.5 If and when necessary, demand for inspection and scrutinize, documents, licenses, registrations, receipts, authorizations and other valid documents as proof of ownership of the vehicle or Cargo being transported. Failure of a person in question to provide or present valid documents and identifications as proofs of ownership shall cause the vehicle and all the other items in the vehicle to be impounded /confiscated and be the subject of further verification and investigation and as soon as possible, refer the case to the City or Provincial Prosecutor’s Office as the case may be.
                2.6 The previous agreement between the PNP and the Laoag City Government during the inception of the ComPAC Project where the Laoag PNP shall assign at least three (3) of its men in uniform in each ComPAC rotating on a three shift schedule and where each one shall head a three group of persons to render duties in the ComPAC SHALL prevail.
                2.7 Likewise, the arrangement with the different barangays that are within the catchment area of each of the ComPACs, made through the Association of Barangay Councils shall prevail, the agreement being, each of the 8 or so barangays within the catchment area of the ComPAC shall contribute at least three (3) of their BPATS members to augment the PNP personnel assigned in each ComPAC. All in all, there will be 24 BPATS members in every Station thereby forming 3 teams with 9 members including the PNP member rendering duty on a three shift basis.
                2.8 Each shift shall render duty on a 4 hour period in consideration of what is stipulated In Section 2.1 which is from 6PM to [6AM of the following day. ] The schedule shall be rotated based on the arrangement designed or agreed upon by and among the teams of the ComPAC.
                2.9 The Barangay Councils that are within the jurisdiction or catchment area of the ComPAC shall from time to time distribute to the other members of their respective BPATS in rendering service at the ComPACS in their area.
                2.10 The overall supervision of the operation of this PPA shall be vested upon the Local Chief Executive or to his/her duly authorized representative and, the PNP Chief of Police or his officially designated substitute. From time to time, the Barangay Chairman of the barangays within the jurisdiction of the ComPAC shall help in the planning and in supervising the operation of the ComPAC. The officers and members of the Laoag City Peace and Order Council may also observe and recommend changes in the procedures when the need arises to improve the operations at the ComPAC.
                2.11 Log books and other records shall be maintained in the ComPACs at all times. Recordings on check point activities captured by the CCTV systems shall be kept and maintained on file for at least 15 days to serve as cross reference when necessary.
                2.12 BPATS members shall be assigned only to the ComPAC that covers or has jurisdiction over the barangay where the BPATS members reside.

     3.1 The government shall allocate funds that will be used in the operation of the ComPACS based on the recommendation of the Laoag City Peace and Order Council in coordination with the Local Finance Committee, with the approval of the Local Chief Executive. The city government may also invoke, solicit and enlist the cooperation and participation and contribution of Non-Government Organizations for the successful operation of the ComPACs.
     3.2 The Laoag City Government with the cooperation of the PNP shall initiate the conduct of a sustained periodic trainings for BPATS members from the 80 barangays of Laoag City for effective performance in the ComPACs.
     3.3 The Laoag City Government shall cause the installation of a CCTV System in all the ComPACs as visual aids to ensure efficient performance.
     Section 4. DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
                4.1 Community Police Assistance Centers - may also be referred to as ComPACs. These are the PNP Satellite Stations located in strategic areas in various entry and exit points of Laoag City that serve as centers for quick and immediate action or response In any emergency situation. It is also of the purpose of ensuring public safety, maintenance of peace and order and deterrent to the commission of crimes.
                4.2 Twelve (12) Hour Check Point Scheme - shall mean from 6PM to [6AM of the following day] and further divided into three 4 hour shifts in the conduct of check points in areas where there are ComPACs.
                4.3 Loose Fire Arms and Ammunitions - shall refer to unlicensed or unregistered / undocumented guns - long and high powered or pistol type fire arms and live bullets.
                4.4 Deadly Weapons - aside from guns, this shall refer to objects that can be used to inflict injury or even take away life of an individual such as knives, bolos, ice pick and other forms of sharp and pointed objects or instruments/devices that can be used to threaten the life people. Hard objects like steel pipes and the like shall also fall under this definition.
                4.5 Explosives - are home made bombs such as Molotov cocktails, pill box dynamites, hand grenades and other forms that can cause heavy damage to property, lives and limbs and can be used in terrorism activities. Chemicals, instruments and devices which may be used to manufacture explosives are included in this definition.
                4.6 Prohibited / Dangerous Drugs - shall refer to marijuana, shabu or amphetamines, morphine, ecstasy and other forms of habit forming or addicting drugs and chemical substances that are listed in the prohibited drugs list released by the Dangerous Drugs Board. Instruments, equipment, devices, paraphernalia and chemicals that can be used in the manufacture, use or disposal of prohibited drugs shall also be covered by this definition.
                4.7 Kidnap Victims - shall refer to persons taken forcibly or snatched from their homes and families with the intent of extracting ransom or hostage purposes.
                4.8 Human Trafficking / [Trafficking in Persons - as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position Of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.]
                4.9 Most Wanted Criminals - shall refer to persons who have committed crimes or illegal acts but have avoided arrest or have been convicted but have remained at large, or those who have escaped from prison. Posters containing pictures, identification, and other details of these people are usually displayed in all PNP Stations and at times in strategic places for public information.
                4.10 Legal / valid documents - are documents that officially and validly support transactions. Examples of these are way bills, registration, various permits, licenses and authorizations from relevant agencies, etc.
                4.11Closed Circuit Television System - commonly known as CCTV which is a modern day technology that captures and records images of people, events and other data that occur within the scope reached by the lenses of the cameras all of which could help in the evaluation of a situation or help in the solution of a crime or an illegal act.
     Section 5. COORDINATION. There should be a close coordination among all agencies: the Office of the Local Chief Executive, the PNP, the Department of Public Safety, association of Barangay Councils, the Laoag City Peace and Order Council, Office of the City Prosecutor, and to include the Federated NGOs to ensure the proper and effective implementation of this Ordinance.
     Section 6. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If any part of this Ordinance is declared juridically as unconstitutional and unlawful, such declaration shall not affect the other parts or sections hereof that are lawful and constitutional.
     Section 7. REPEALING CLAUSE. All Ordinances, Resolutions, motions, legal orders and other issuances inconsistent with this Ordinance shall be deemed repealed, modified or amended accordingly.
     Section 8. EFFECTIVITY. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval.
     Approved this 13th day of October, 2014, by the members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod present with the following votes: Those in favor: J.F. Fariñas, Nicolas, Siazon, Respicio, Lao, Ong Sin, Tamayo, Bonoan, Domingo, Chua, M.V. Fariñas; Nays: None; Abstentions: None
     I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true, correct, and faithful excerpt from the Record of Proceedings of the 60th Regular Session of the 9th Sangguniang Panlungsod held at the Sangguniang Panlungsod Session Hall, Laoag City on October 13, 2014.
Secretary to the Sanggunian

APPROVED: 10-28-2014
City Vice-Mayor/Presiding Officer

City Mayor

Approved on Review as Valid on January 5, 2015


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