WE need to build and strengthen our sense of continuity, now that we are in a world of multi-tasking, diverse concerns, disparate events, competing and even conflicting interests. We need to know how to put them together as in a synergy, integrating them into one meaningful and somehow consistent and organic whole. It’s like weaving a fabric of different threads and producing a beautiful piece of cloth, or a seamless garment like that worn by Christ himself. We also need to know how to move from thing to another, without getting stuck at a certain point, the previous phase, no matter how different from the succeeding one, actually preparing and launching us to the next. This again is another challenge of our modern times. We cannot deny that many people today, especially the young, are floundering in this particular aspect of the today’s challenge. They can appear to be doing and achieving many things, and yet they don’t get the corresponding reward of satisfact...