“Allah means God—unless you’re a Christian in Malaysia,” read Time magazine’s headline. Or Sikh, Hindu or atheist for that matter. A new Kuala Lumpur court decision stipulates only Muslims can invoke the name of “Allah”. And that triggered concern beyond Association of Southeast Asian Nation countries. Four years back, KL courts ruled that the term “Allah” transcended different faiths. Why then the flip-flop? “Islam (is) vulnerable e to conversion efforts by other faiths,” the decision asserts. Anyway, Allah was "not an integral part...in Christianity". No? Herald editor, Fr. Lawrence Andrew, said he’ll appeal. Non-Muslim Malaysians reacted with anger. “Appalling,” snapped Jagir Singh who heads the Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism. “Bahasa Malaysia–speaking Christians used “Allah” even before formation of Malaysia,” recalled Rev. Eu Hong Seng, Sabah a...