THIS is a very common spiritual illness. What’s so
dangerous about it is that it often passes as something ordinary and normal. It
hardly causes any worry, much less, alarm. It lulls many of us to think there’s
no problem.

It is the perfect expression of the adage, “The good is
the enemy of the best.” And so it fails to submit itself to the law of love
that requires self-giving without measure, a total self-giving whose language
is generosity and heroism all the way to death.
Of course, behind that justification is a subtle,
unspoken compromise with one’s laziness and other weaknesses, not to mention,
his lack of faith and spirit of sacrifice. That justification puts one in the
Stop mode of his spiritual life, when it is supposed always to Go, to Move, to
Grow always.
In the Book of Revelation, there is a clear condemnation
of such spiritual illness. “Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
I will spew you out of my mouth.” (3,16)
We have to be more aware of this danger and do all to
avoid, if not fight against it. The basic and indispensable antidote to this
danger is love, the proper kind of love that comes only from God and is a living
participation of the very love of God which is the only kind of love there is.
This love has the power of continuing self-renewal and self-perpetuation,
and of supporting and even going beyond our physical and other natural powers.
This is the love that will keep us always young and vibrant, and will give us a
taste of eternity while still in time.
How to keep that love burning, how to continually feed it
is a concern we ought to cultivate in ourselves. We can be sure that we are not
engaging here in some quixotic, unrealistic adventure, since on the part of
God, everything is already given to us.
He has given us his grace in abundance, his saving
doctrine, his sacraments, the Church, the living Christian tradition, etc. The
Holy Spirit is with us. Christ has promised that he will be with us till the
end of time.
What is needed is our prompt and permanent
correspondence. In this regard, we have to realize the importance of some
practical plan or program that would help maintain our love aflame.
Certainly, we need to have time everyday for deep prayer,
an intimate conversation with God where we bring all our concerns and meditate on
God’s word so we would be in vital contact with him and his will for us. We
have to find means to keep ourselves in his presence all throughout the day.
We need to have time to go the sacraments, especially
Confession and the Holy Eucharist. We have to wage a continuing struggle
against our weakness, temptations and sin, and to grow in the different
For sure, if our prayer and dealings with God are
authentic and not just formalistic and even hypocritical, we would always feel
the urge to immerse ourselves in the lives of others and the affairs of the world.
We would be consumed with the attitude and desire of Christ towards all men and
the world, and that is to save and not to condemn.
In this regard, we will feel the urge to evangelize others
and the world in general, as well as the certainty of being evangelized by them,
since God, no doubt, will speak to us through them, showing us the concrete and
finer points of his will for us.
We have to realize that no matter how dirtied and
corrupted by evil people and the things of the world are, we can always
discern, if we have faith, if we are with God himself, precious lessons and
messages that would be good to our soul.
This is how to fight lukewarmness and complacency. It is
a matter of filling ourselves with love that God himself gives us in abundance,
making use of a practical and practicable program that would help us to be
always with God.
It would be good if we can avail of some spiritual
direction and counseling so we can devise a plan of spiritual life that is
suited to our specific conditions.
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