WE need to see the unity between heaven and earth, and try our
best, with God’s grace, to conform to such reality. Obviously, this unity between
heaven and earth will always be a tentative one while we are still here on
earth, but we need to work on it.

In his Letter to the Philippians, the same sentiment is
made—that our conversation be in heaven even if we are still here on earth.
(3,20) Let’s hope that we take this truth of our faith seriously, avoiding anything
that can trivialize it.
For us who are the image and likeness of God, adopted
children of his, meant to participate in the very life of God, we have to understand
that our earthly life is a journey toward heaven, from where we come and to
where we belong. That’s because God is our Creator and our beginning, as well
as our Ultimate End, and he is in heaven.
Our earthly life is the time and space of our trial—to
see if we also like to be God’s children. God wants us to be his children, but
he does not impose it on us. We have to freely choose it, by corresponding to
his love with our love which is a matter of keeping his commandments, doing his
For this purpose, God has given us everything. In fact,
God has given us his very own son who became man, Jesus Christ, to be “the way,
the truth and the life” for us. We have no reason then to think that this truth
of faith cannot be attained by us.
God has become man, has assumed everything human except
sin, so that what is his becomes ours, and what is ours also becomes his. St.
Paul went to the extent of saying that Christ made himself like sin just to save
us. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we
might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Cor 5,21)
God is never scandalized by our sins. In fact, our sins
attract him in a special way. On the cross, offering his life, he went to the extent
of bearing all our sins. “God so loved the world as to give his only begotten
Son…” Nothing of our sinfulness, including all the ugly consequences of our
sin, is invincible to God’s love, mercy and compassion.
We need to meditate on this truth slowly and deeply, so
that can we learn to adapt the very same spirit of God in his love and mercy
for all of us, and avoid the subtle and devious ways of self-righteousness. We
need to imitate Christ, the master of adaptation, who can take on anything that
can take place in our earthly life.
The other day, in a visit to Bohol, I dropped by a church
to do my afternoon prayer. Of course, after the 2013 killer earthquake, the big,
beautiful church is gone, and in its place is a small, poor makeshift chapel,
full of improvised ornaments.
A funeral Mass was going on when I entered. The place was
full of people, simple townspeople whose greatest wealth can only be their undeniably
strong faith and piety.
I could not help but notice the indigence of the place.
But I was warmed to see the fervor of the people while attending the Mass. Yes,
I missed the splendor of a solemn Mass with all its rich vestments and vessels.
But in that particular setting, I was happier to notice how the people prayed
and paid attention to the priest-celebrant.
Then I remembered the Mass of Pope Francis in Tacloban.
He was in a raincoat because it was raining heavily. Due to the weather, the
altar used was a simple table, instead of the prepared ornate one. The people
were all in raincoats, but attentive and solemn in their prayers.
No doubt, heaven can adjust itself to the conditions of
our earth, no matter how poor it may be in its physical and material dimension.
It’s in the spirit of Christ’s love and mercy, that presumes faith and requires
hope, that heaven and earth can be united, and the fullness of time achieved.
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