certain myths that we need to get rid of. One of them is that to lead a
contemplative life practically takes one out of reality. Hardly anything can be
farther than the truth.

He just does
not depend on his senses. Though he uses them to the full, he goes much further
than what sense data would provide him. Not even does he depend only on his
intelligence that already can penetrate into the essence of things and can
transcend from the sensible to the intelligible in all their forms and
He uses his
faith, activating it in a working life of piety and contemplation. Faith is a
gift from God given to us in abundance and that sheds the best light we can get
to see, know and understand things. This is where God shares what he knows with
To be sure,
to be contemplative does not do away with the senses and our intelligence. Our
need and use of faith in our contemplative life will never do away with our
senses and intelligence. It, in fact, makes use of them to the max, but goes
much further.
So to be
contemplative never means that one isolates and detaches himself from the
world. The contrary is true. It makes one more immersed in the world. Its
interest is never limited but rather is open to the all developments in the
given our human condition, we will always have a particular or specific
viewpoint and interest, but it’s an angle that is open to the universal
reality. A contemplative life that is not open to the whole reality is not a
genuine contemplative life.
In fact, a
true contemplative will always feel the need to know more about other fields
that he is not familiar with. He would at least have an open mind, willing to
listen and learn from them. Thus, he would always feel the need to be versatile
and adaptable. He avoids being rigid and one-track-minded.
His desire
to know more about persons will be insatiable. His knowledge of persons would
always deepen and expand. He is not contented with knowing them superficially.
He has to probe the mystery that each person is, guided by his faith and love
of God that would drive him to do so.
This need
can only be satisfied when one is truly humble. Humility makes one always
realize his inadequacy and possibility to know more and learn more. A proud
person simply does not feel this, and tends to say enough and stop knowing
And while
it’s true that due to our human condition, our limitations and those of the
world, we need to distance ourselves from time to time from the world to be
able to meditate and contemplate, it’s an exercise that is meant to enhance our
immersion both in God and in the world.
contemplative always feels the need to be recollected to make sure that faith
leads the way instead of the senses and the intelligence simply leading the
way. We cannot deny that the latter always have the tendency to dominate. That
tendency is simply an indication of our deeply embedded pride and vanity that
are always our problem.
That’s why
to be a contemplative will always involve some self-denial. No one can be a
contemplative unless he knows how to discipline and put his senses and
intelligence in their proper place. It is a self-denial that would lead him to
vividly feel the push of faith and love of God to immerse himself in the lives
of others and in the world in general.
This is not
an easy thing to do, since we will always have to contend with the tricks of
our weakened flesh that wants to dominate us, not to mention the wiles of our
wayward world and the devil.
But we also
have ways to cope with this predicament. We can deepen our humility, grow in
our skill at spiritual warfare, polish the art of always rectifying our
intentions and correcting ourselves whenever we find ourselves in error.
Yes, to be
truly contemplative would make us more in touch with reality.
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