THESE two are often seen to be incompatible with each other
or that, at least, they don’t get along well. That’s the challenge, since they
are supposed to be together. One of them cannot be without the other.

While there will always be some grain of truth in these observations,
they need to be purified and completed, reassessed and updated, because they do
not capture the whole picture, and the ideal for us is that, like it or not, we
should be both orthodox and compassionate.
We should not fault orthodoxy for being strict and old-fashioned,
etc., because it is concerned about universal and absolute truths that are
supposed to be timeless and meant to be passed on from generation to
generation. This is serious business that should not be dispensed.
Orthodoxy gives us light and sense of direction as we
pass through the confusing highways of life. It is an integral part of our effort
to be faithful and persevering in our quest of loving God and loving others,
which is what we are meant for in this life.
Neither should compassion be faulted for being open-minded,
tolerant and all that, because it is what is needed in our dealings with
others. Our direct contact with them commands us to love them irrespective of
how they are, even if they are in grave error and have offended us.
This was how Christ behaved and what he taught us. He was
always compassionate with the sinners even to the point of making himself like
sin, and of bearing all the sinfulness of men by offering his life on the
cross. If we don’t get saved in spite of what he did, it will not be his fault.
It will be entirely ours.
Compassion would somehow give light to our orthodoxy, since
it will give new and continuing data to the latter, thus helping to purify,
update and enrich our orthodoxy. Let’s never forget that our orthodoxy is our
human effort to catch the eternal, and as such will always be a work in
progress. It’s not meant to freeze and harden.
The tension between orthodoxy and compassion only
reflects our human condition that has to cope with the demands of the old and the
new, the traditional and the innovative, the historical and the eternal, the
absolute and the relative, the idea and the theory, on one hand, and the
praxis, on the other, the doctrinal and the pastoral.
The tension only reveals how we are—that we are made of body
and soul, we are both material and spiritual, we operate both in time (past,
present and future) and in eternity, we have to use both our intelligence and
emotions, we have to live here and now and yet be concerned with the ultimate,
The tension only shows that we are nothing without God, but
with God we have everything, that we are capable of the ugliest evil but also
of the greatest good, that we can fall but we can also rise again.
We should not make a big fuss about this tension between orthodoxy
and compassion. It is a given in life and we just have to learn to live with
it. There will always be some mistakes we commit along the way, but as long as
we are humble and simple enough to acknowledge our mistakes and to abide in God’s
love and truth, everything will be ok. There is always hope.
Others may misunderstand us, and we too can misunderstand
others, but as long as at the end of each day we examine ourselves and admit
our errors, saying sorry for them while learning from them, we can move on, and
would be doing so in the right path.
Let’s remember that God never leaves us. He is always intervening
in our life and is leading us to him and to all that is good and proper to us
in his own mysterious ways that may escape our attention.
So let’s be calm and confident, always with a big smile
on our face, being sport always, promptly apologizing when for some reason or
another we commit fouls, as well as promptly forgiving when others do the same
to us.
Let’s be both orthodox and compassionate to the best of our
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