intelligent, a rose among the thorns as she is the only woman among her four
brothers, and doctors of medicine while Herminia is a professional nurse,
certified, registered yet so very much active in the Filipino community in

Herminia and her husband Bill
Gaspar are volunteers for the Adopt-a-Highway Projects and the Feeding the
Homeless and the Hawaii Food Bank, this writer’s pet project as a mission
service and for the OFCC/UFCH partnership for community service.
I had the honor of nominating her
for the annual UFCH Progress Award in 2013 based on all her good services and
outstanding contribution to the community.
1. Personal Achievements: [educational attainment, accomplishments
nominee has done for her/himself/family, etc.]
In February 2012,
“I took a more challenging position at Wahiawa General Hospital as Manager for
Peri-operative services (Operating room, Ambulatory, PACU, Anesthesia), Central
Supply and Transporters.
1. Manages
at least 34 employees.
2. Oversees
employee’s department orientations, competencies, educations/in-services,
licenses/certifications/ safety training to meet regulatory requirements,
3. Oversees
staff to make sure all staff are providing safe environment and
quality care to all surgical patients that come to our door both elective and
4. Involve
in various committees within the organization
5. Recently
received an employee "Catch Me Caring" Award for the month of August.
Celebrated with the rest of monthly recipient last Oct .30 2013.
6. Wahiawa
General Hospital Coordinator for Surgical Unit Safety Program [SUSP]
"I am proud to
be an alumni of Sta. Cruz Elementary School, Sinait Provincial
High School and University of Santo Tomas College" said Herminia as I
asked her educational background what job she held.
Herminia Iloreta Gaspar title: RN, BSN, CNOR, RN III
Previous positions held:
Clinical Nurse III, OR Hawaii
Medical Center West; Charge Nurse, OR, /Relief OR Manager Hawaii Medical
Center West;
Education: Elementary-Sta. Cruz Sinait
Elementary-graduated Salutatorian; High School-Sinait Provincial
High-graduated Salutatorian; College-Graduated -Bachelors of Science in
Nursing-University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines; Certificate for
preceptorship training program; Certification-Professional Achievement In
Perioperative Nursing Practice.
Perioperative Nursing
Experiences: UST Hospital Clinical Division, Manila Philippines; Columbia
Presbyterian Medical Center, Manhattan, New York; Mt. Sinai Hospital, New
York, Albert Einstein Hospital Bronx New York, New Jersey Hospitals, Washington
Hospitals, and Hawaii.
At these various medical centers,
she worked as a perioperative nurse “Provided me all the skills, knowledge and
experiences I gained today. Not only these experiences but the multi
personalities and staff I have dealt with all these years taught me how to
understand people's attitudes and personalities better.”
2. Professional
Achievements [Related to field of nomination or category] as a community
Professional Nursing
Activities: Active member of Association of Operating Room Nurses; Laser
Nurse surgery; St. Jude Catholic Church Emergency medical team member; Day Charge
Nurse Hawaii Medical Center West; Shop Steward Hawaii Nurses Association; Involved
with departmental orientations, quality control unit bases improvement
activities, in service educations; Monetary donor: Ilocos Surian Medical &
Homecoming Mission.
3. Community Service/Civic
Involvements [Membership with organizations/club including leadership positions
held in Hawaii and elsewhere]
Professional Nursing
Activities: Active member of Association of Operating Room Nurses; Laser
Nurse surgery; St. Jude Catholic Church Emergency medical team member; Day
Charge Nurse Hawaii Medical Center West; Shop Steward Hawaii Nurses Association;
Involved with departmental orientations, quality control unit bases improvement
activities, in service education;
Hermie as a community
Co-organizer, Sinait National
High School Alumni Association of Hawaii; Participant, Oahu Filipino Community
Council[OFCC]/United Filipino Council of Hawaii[UFCH], Adopt a Hwy Clean
Up Project; Co-leader of the joint “Walk for Fun & Physical fitness
Program” by the Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii and the Sinait National High School
Alumni Association of Hawaii for raising fund the medical and homecoming mission
for Sinait; Participant, OFCC/UFCH Hawaii Food Bank Campaign Drive; US CENSUS
2010 “Filipinos Count” US Dept. of Commerce; OFCC/UFCH/COVO/FilComCenter
Fundraising Drive for Typhoon Ondoy and Peping Victims;
4. Other Pertinent
Information [i.e.: honors received, certificate of recognition]
Awards: 1992-Employee of the Year, St.
Francis Medical Center West; 1993-Clinical
III promotion for St. Francis Medical Center West; 1997-Outstanding Alumni of Sinait
National High School, Philippines in the field of Nursing; 2002-Gold award from JCAHO (Joint
Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organization) visit to operating Room;
2003-St.Francis Medical Center West
Mother Marianne Award; 2004-Nominee
for Nurse of the Year for St. Francis Medical Center West; 2005-Humanitarian award for
Philippine Medical Mission Appreciation award from Medical of Greater Kansas
and Philippine Nurses Association of Kansas City, Rotary International, Rotary
Club of Vigan; Commendation for Service at
Sinait Medical Surgical Mission, Ilocos Sur, Philippines; 2005-Filipino Nurse of the year for
Excellence in Clinical Practice; 2009-Recognition
award from staff development during SKILLS FAIR; 2010-Employee of the month, Hawaii
Medical Center West; Mar-2011-Nurse of
the year, Hawaii Medical Center West; May-13-2011-Professional with Heart Award in the category of
Acute Care(Hospitals) from Healthcare Association of the State of Hawaii.
As a wife and Nurse
Happily married
to William Gaspar, retired USN from Candon, Ilocos Sur, Philippines and another
consistent community leader.
Justification why
the nominee should win this category:
A. How did the
nominee achievements and accomplishments contribute to the progress of his/her
organization, community, State and the world?
Hermie came from a humble,
dedicated, hardworking, open-hearted family, that's always there to reach out
to family in need. Hermie's proud parents are from Sta. Cruz, Sinait, Ilocos
Sur and Sto. Domingo Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Hermie has blessed with 4
siblings all in the medical field.
Hermie is a consistent member of
The Annak Ti Sinait and officer of Sinait National High School Alumni
Association Hawaii. Active member of St. Jude Catholic Church and Immaculate
Conception Church.
Hermie had been to several
medical and surgical missions to the Philippines including Cagayan where she
spearheaded the surgical mission (operating room). She goes almost every year
to hometown and barangay Sta. Cruz Sinait to do independent medical and miscellaneous
missions to help co- barangay with their needs. Her last 2012 trip was to
finish a project with her father for the elementary school and help the
barangay finance water tank supply to ensure the barangay have enough
water supply
Hermie believes that education,
communication good attitude in all aspects, love, respect and support to one
another, do good deeds to mankind and Faith in the Lord will lead and guide you
all the way to successfully achieve such goals.
Hermie is always someone you can
depend on—she is a doer. Very dependable, reliable leader. Hermie is
happily married to William V. Gaspar, retired USN from Candon, Ilocos Sur,
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