WE need
to be more aware of this duty. We just cannot let our imagination to go and fly
anywhere it likes, guided simply by our senses and the things of the world, and
much less by our weaknesses and the temptations around. It has to be properly
purified trained and educated, integrating and grounding it on our over-all
dignity as persons and children of God.

imagination actually plays a very crucial role in our life. It’s a powerful
faculty of ours, a great gift from God, which enables us to form images that
become raw materials, fuel and also end products of our spiritual acts of
knowing and loving.
As persons
with body and soul, and who live in both the material and spiritual as well as
supernatural dimensions of life, we actually cannot be exempted from having
images. Our knowing and loving, no matter how spiritualized, cannot be
completely freed from images.
Our ideas,
no matter how abstract, just cannot come without some images accompanying them.
Same with our act of loving. It will always need some images for love to take
off, keep its course and grow. Our imagination, together with our emotional and
psychological make-up, is the vital link between our body and soul.
We should
give time to plumb the depths of both the theoretical and practical
implications of this reality that often escape our attention, so we can behave
as we ought, as persons and children of God.
It’s part of
our spiritual and therefore our moral life to see to it that our imagination
conforms to certain laws and standard. It just cannot and should not develop
automatically. It needs to be guided, and more than that, to be continually
purified, enriched and engaged with its proper end.
We should
try our best to avoid our imagination to be held captive simply by instincts,
hormones and purely sensual stimuli. Sad to say, this aspect of our
responsibility toward our imagination is hardly known, let alone, appreciated
and acted on.
As far as I
can see, there’s hardly any serious and sustained effort, either individually,
collectively or systematically, to train, educate and discipline our
It looks
like it’s a free-for-all, anything-goes affair. It would seem that it is even
considered as the very essence of human freedom to allow each one to use the
imagination in any which way.
attitude is widely regarded as respecting one’s privacy which, of course, is
part of our human right as long as it is again properly understood and lived.
But very often, this right is abused and distorted beyond recognition. It falls
under the category of an understanding of freedom that is unhinged from the
truth and that rejects the responsibility to follow laws and contribute to the
common good.
When we use
our imagination well, when our imagination drinks from what is true, good and
beautiful about us as persons and children of God, we will enjoy many wonderful
There will
be more simplicity, transparency and integrity in our life. Our thinking
becomes clearer and more objective, and it is made easier. And in spite of
being enriched, our thinking gets more to the point rather than straying.
There will
be more creativity and buoyancy in our life, as the imagination will provide us
with more details and possibilities to discover more things. In other words, we
become more human, more warm, affectionate and understanding with everyone and
with everything. Our EQ increases together with our IQ.
This is not
to mention the tremendous good it can do to our spiritual life. Our prayer, our
faith, our devotions would really fly and soar!
Of course,
when our imagination is misused or hardly used, the opposite also come as a
result. We would easily fall into duplicity and deception. We would simply
nourish our ego, crippling our capacity to love and to give ourselves to
others. Our knowledge and understanding of persons and things would get
We really
need to train and educate our imagination. We should talk more freely about
this responsibility, coming up with suggestions and ideas that can help all of
us develop this wonderful power and gift from God. Obviously, it has to start
in a very personal way, before anything collective and systematic could be
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