The ISAH’s slogan: “Working
together to Rebuild our communities and Our Homeland” combined with the theme:
Taldiap Ti Probinsia Ti Ilocos Sur” [A Glimpse of Ilocos Sur Province”.]
Witnessed by guests and
Friends of Ilocos Surian: Jean Jeremiah, Angie Santiago, Baybee Ablan, Alex
Vergara, Jesse Pascual, Fred Quibol; former Mrs. Hawaii Filipina Jema Geronimo
and husband Mel; Angel Dytioco, Mrs. Dytioco, Larry Ramirez, Connie Ramirez,
The oath-taking was
officiated by acting Consul General Roberto Bernardo, and the guest speaker is
US Senator Brian Schatz.
President Danny Villaruz,
from Rancho, Santa, Ilocos Sur. A community leader, a retired senior auditor of
the Hawaii State Dept. of Taxation; volunteer and businessman. He is the
longest serving president ever since November 2001 as he was elected in interim
capacity until he was officially sworn in into office on February 22, 2002 by
then Ilocos Sur Governor DV Savellano. He was awarded “Director at large” by
the OFCC. He is a member of the Order of the Knights of Rizal-Hawaii Chapter.
First Vice President Estrella
Pada Taong is from Sinait, Ilocos Sur. A businesswoman, community leader,
former district supervisor. She was UFCH Progress Awardee for Entrepreneurship.
Co-organizer of the Sinait National High School Alumni Association of Hawaii
and served as First President; co-organizer of the Annak Ti Sinait Iti Hawaii,
Sinaitenians International & Global Network; Gumil Oahu. OFCC director.
Second Vice President Leticia
Dar Dalit is from Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, president of Sta. Marians of Hawaii,
Recording Secretary Loida
Alimboyoguen Yamamoto is from Cabaroan East, Vigan City, community leader, OFCC
secretary, Vigan Ass’n vice president, co-chair for the Santacruzan 2014
sponsored by the FilCom Center’s 22nd Filipino Fiesta.
Corresponding Secretary
Davelyn Ancheta Quijano is from Teppeng, Sinait, Ilocos Sur- Mrs. ISAH
2008-2012, participant in the Ilocos Surian Medical and Homecoming Mission,
Sinait Medical Mission, president of Sinait National High School Ass’n of
Hawaii, former OFCC director, realtor associates
Treasurer Rose Rosaline
Sabangan is from Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Community Service Volunteer, UFCH
Progress Awardee-Community Volunteer, retired bank officer and financial consultant.
Assistant treasurer Lina
Barnachea Mercado is from Santa, Ilocos Sur, businesswoman, community leader,
Auditor Alice Castaneda is
from Lapog, San Juan Ilocos Sur, president of San Juan Lapog Association of
Hawaii, owner of Videorama
Assistant Auditor Emmie Villaruz
is from Santa, Ilocos Sur, officer, Santanians Assn of Hawaii, USA,
Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Romulo Basuel is from Sinait, Ilocos Sur, former district supervisor, Dept. of
Education, Division of Ilocos Sur
Public Relations Officer
[PRO] Antonio Ipalari is from Sinait, Ilocos Sur. President of the Annak Ti
Sinait Iti Hawaii. Served as chairman of the ISAH Green Revolution Contest.
Sgt.-at-arms: Art Abinsay of
Vigan Ass’n of Hawaii; Jaime Dalit of Sta. Marians of Hawaii; Nemesio Dar, Sta. Marians of Hawaii; Al Sabangan of Cabugao Sons & Daughters
Ass’n of Hawaii; Paul Taong of Magsingal,
Lapog, Sinait.
Director at large as the
representative of their respective unit organizations: Antonio Ipalari, Davelyn
Quijano, Veronica Esteban, Alice Castaneda, Armi Farinas, Roger Tapat, Tessie
Aganon, Jenny Quezon, Dr. Julius Soria, Louie Funtanilla, Dr. Ignacio Torres,
Leticia Dalit, Maria Cristina, White Edgar Fernandez.
Advisers: Felipe Abinsay,
Jr., Ben Cabreros, Romy Cachola, Maria Etrata, Loiue Funtanilla, Al Sabangan,
Dr. Charlie Y. Sonido, Engr. Carlito Soria, Dr. Ignacio Torres, Amado Yoro.
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