Out of over 800 aspirants
nationwide, only 218 applicants were named as delegates for the said event.
John Carlo was one of the 12 chosen delegates in Region 1 who attended the said
The Parliament of Youth
Leaders is now on its 10th year of drawing together youth leaders
from all over the Philippines in which policy recommendations were drafted to
deal with the issues and concerns of the youth. This also serves as
government’s guide in youth policy formation and program development.
John Carlo is also a
qualifier for the 3rd Philippine Model Congress, the largest
legislative simulation conference in the Philippines that allows students to
participate in debates, assemblies, and
plenary sessions to understand the Philippine legislative process. Last
December 2014, John Carlo attended the 3rd Philippine Scholars Summit with the
theme “Filipino Scholars’ Role and Contribution to the Coming of ASEAN
Integration” at the University of Santo Tomas. He is also chosen as one of the
81 participants out of the 718 applicants for the Ayala Young Leaders Congress
which will be held on February 1-13, 2015.
John Carlo is the eldest of
the three children of the late OFW Julito Manabat and Mrs. Nenita Manabat. It
was in the year 2012 when the OFW passed away. His family received Death and
Burial Benefit including a scholarship for him and a livelihood assitance worth
Php 15,000.00 for his mother under the ELAP as his father’s OWWA Membership was
still valid at the time of death.
John Carlo is active in his
academics as well as in extra-curricular activities at the Saint Louis College
in San Fernando City, La Union where he is in his 2nd year taking up
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. John Carlo has joined various
organizations in the school like the Louisian Torch where he is the Associate
Editor-in-Chief and Speech and Debate Society (SPADES) where he is currently
the Vice President. John Carlo is also a consistent Dean’s Lister.
Truly, John Carlo is one of
the prides of OWWA Region 1 as he has exhibited outstanding performance in his
academic requirements and organizations and has also displayed a strong sense
of civic responsibility and involvement. (OWWA
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