Bernadette Fajardo, Mrs. Singson, Cong Eric Singson, Amado Yoro, Danny Villaruz and Adela Salacup |

Eric Singson served as the installing officer and guest of honor during the
Candonians of Hawaii installation of officers and directors that was held at
the Dole Cannery, Honolulu, Hawaii.
On October
2, 2014 an informal dinner with Mrs. Jurlita Ulep Basuel was afforded to
her as she is visiting Hawaii [and New York] at the ZIPPY'S restaurant in
Waipahu. Jurlie, as I call her is my batch 70 from the Divine Word College of
Laoag as graduated the same year as she was double major in AB English and
History. Mine were History and English. I considered Jurlie as a co-barriomate,
being married to Basuel Family [Sonny] in Tapao where I was born and spent my
childhood and boyhood with a dreams, hopes and positive determinations. I
considered her a co-townmate thus, a fellow Sinaitenian. Before she was
assigned to the to the Division of Ilocos Norte Department of Education in
Laoag City, Jurlie taught at the Sinait National High School, Sinait, Ilocos
Sur. Now, she retired as District Supervisor from the Division of Ilocos Norte
DEPT of Education -Laoag City.
is from San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. She came to Hawaii as a guest speaker for
the Sta. Rosa Academy Alumni Association. With us that evening was Edna
Ulep Tolentino, Municipal Development officer of San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte,
also vacationing in Hawaii.
Basuel, another co-graduate and his wife Ophelia Basuel are with us too.
Friends beget friends as a renewal of friendship refreshing the past beyond
seas and mountains.
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