WE have just ended a liturgical year with the
celebration of the Solemnity of the Christ the King. We are now beginning a new
one with the season of Advent, the proximate preparation for the birth of

In eternity,
there will be no more past nor future. Everything will be in the present, with
everything either resolved properly in the bliss of heaven or unresolved in the
never-ending pain and anguish in hell.
It would be
good if we have a deep understanding of the significance of the whole
liturgical year, so that we can have a functional sense of purpose and
direction as we go through it, avoiding getting entangled, distracted and lost
along the way.
We can say
that the whole liturgical year presents to us the whole mystery of Christ and
his message, and the different aspects of Christian life together with their
requirements. How nice it would be if at any given time, we have a global
picture of it, know where exactly we are in that picture, as well as a roadmap
to lead us to our goal in life.
We should be
quick to discern what is being asked of us, what is expected of us as we go
through the messages of the different parts of the liturgical year. We should
somehow feel that there is progress taking place in our spiritual life as the
year moves on. To be sure, the liturgical year is not simply a passage of time.
Some growth is expected.
In this
regard, we should be ready to set specific goals that are appropriate for that
part of the year we may be in. We have to have a clear idea of what are needed
to reach those goals. We should come up with strategies and alternative plans,
just in case unexpected or undesirable things happen.
In these
times, we cannot afford to be casual in our attitude toward our spiritual life,
which is true in all the other aspects of our life. I remember that during my
childhood, I never heard my parents talk about budgeting. Life was so simple
then that the concern for money was not that felt. Not anymore now. You don’t budget! You simply will perish in no time!
Also we have
to be wary of the increasing number of things that can grab our attention and
lead us to all sorts of distractions. Now it’s imperative to have a good system
of traffic management of our attention, otherwise we will just get lost. We
need good traffic signs around, (read, a good sense of priorities), so we would
be properly guided in our highways of life.
With Advent,
we are asked to prepare ourselves well for the coming of our Savior. We have to
elicit in ourselves a longing for Christ who is our “way, truth and life,” the
very pattern of our humanity, the redeemer of our wounded humanity.
With the
Christmas season, we are happy at the birth of Christ and we follow closely his
hidden life that is also full of meaning for us. This part somehow serves as a
foundation for our adult and mature life that will be filled with trials and
challenges. A happy childhood redounds to a happy adulthood.
With Lent,
we are made to face our wounded humanity and to heal it with Christ, ultimately
with the cross through his passion and death. We have to be quick to learn the
art of interior struggle, fighting temptations and growing in the virtues. We
will be taught how to value suffering and how to suffer.
With Easter,
we will be filled with the joy of the resurrection, the final victory of
Christ, and also of ours with Christ. We will somehow be taught how to maintain
a life of sanctity that is not only personal but also apostolic.
The Ordinary
Time of the liturgical year presents to us in greater detail the different
virtues we have to learn to live. We will be constantly reminded of our duties
as a true child of God.
Let’s always strive to have a good sense of
the liturgical year!
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