WE have
every reason to welcome each day with gladness, regardless of how our condition
may be physically, mentally, emotionally. And that’s because God is always
good, and his love and mercy never end.

We have to
look at this matter first of all within the framework of the over-all plan of
God when he decided to create us and the rest of the universe. Truth is we have
all been created out of love, out of sheer goodness on the part of God who did
not have any need to create anything or anyone. He just wanted to share what he
has with us.
In short,
the whole of creation has been generated out of love and is meant for love.
With God’s omnipotent providence, it will remain in a state of love. As his
image and likeness, we are supposed to reflect that love and goodness in our
life, in our attitude toward him and everybody and everything else.
Even if we
abused his goodness and fell into sin, God continues to love us. He will
re-create us, heal us, redeem us as he actually has done and continues to do.
He will forgive us always, just as he in Christ has commanded us—“not only
seven times, but seventy times seven.”
Let’s listen to what Christ has to say about
this: “For God
so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world not to
condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” (Jn 3,16-17)
It’s truly worthwhile to engrave these
precious and reassuring words in our mind and heart. Since we cannot help but
abuse the goodness of God, and so get our just deserts by suffering some forms
of sadness, shame, pain and the like, we should always remember that God will
continue to love us.
This has
been proven by the fact that Christ died for us. He assumed our sins. His love
for us is not self-seeking (eros), nor a matter of sharing (filia). He goes
beyond, to the point of giving himself to us even if his love is not
corresponded properly (agape).
St. Paul
explains it plainly in this way: “God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died
for us.”(Rom 5,8)
This is the
irrefutable basis for our joy and confidence in life, in our attitude towards
anything, in spite of whatever mistakes, sins, miseries we may have. We need to
train ourselves always to have a joyful, hopeful outlook in life.
It would not
be good if we allow ourselves to be dominated by fear, worry, anger, doubts,
sadness, etc., just because of our problems, difficulties, or worse, our sins
and mistakes.
Yes, we have
to learn to face them, solve and resolve them the best way we can. And yet even
in the worst scenario when we encounter situations of insoluble predicaments,
we still have reason to be joyful and at peace, because Christ has assumed all
our troubles on the cross.
We need to
learn how to be sport in life, how to move on in spite of setbacks, how not to
get stuck in our failures and disappointments and to rot there. If we look at
our predicaments the way Christ looks at them, it would not be hypocrisy if we
strive to smile even if our heart is burdened with something. That would be heroic
In the face
of our abuses, Christ simply preaches what is right. He may correct, or
sometimes scold as he did to Peter. But he does not prevent us from exercising
our freedom, no matter how wrongly we use it. He simply drowns evil with an
abundance of good, to the extreme of offering his life on the cross.
This is how
we can be joyful and at peace all the time. Yes, we may suffer, but it’s a
suffering that does not take away our joy and peace. And so we can afford to
welcome each day with gladness, no matter how that day goes.
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